Slimer Wormtongue
I had all sorts of material for this site messing up my head today. In fact there was too much and I couldn’t decide what subject to tackle, so in line with my new philosophies, I decided I won’t write … Continue reading →
I had all sorts of material for this site messing up my head today. In fact there was too much and I couldn’t decide what subject to tackle, so in line with my new philosophies, I decided I won’t write … Continue reading →
I like messing around with stuff. I have always been like that. Give me something new and I will immediately take it apart to see how it works. Sometimes I put those parts together again and I end up with … Continue reading →
Things have been rather busy here at the Manor over the last few days. I won’t say I have nothing to write about, rather there is a proliferation of pieces of news that are just so off the wall that … Continue reading →
I received a guest post submission from The Blocked Dwarf yesterday. He added in his cover note that I might not want to publish it, and seeing the topic, I can understand why he might think I might be reluctant.. … Continue reading →