Weighty matters
I never bothered about my weight. I am one of those fortunates who can eat what I like and rarely gain or lose a few pounds. I know when I got married I was around the ten stone mark, and … Continue reading →
I never bothered about my weight. I am one of those fortunates who can eat what I like and rarely gain or lose a few pounds. I know when I got married I was around the ten stone mark, and … Continue reading →
I received an email yesterday from a hardware store.. It’s almost that glorious time of year again What? Valentine’s? No, that’s gone. Easter? Still some way off. Christmas? A possibility, the way they are going these days. I read the … Continue reading →
I made a little addition to the site yesterday. Up top, in the menu, you may notice a new item – The Cancer Files. Basically it’s just a listing of all that I writ on the subject in chronological order. … Continue reading →
For quite a while now I have been searching the Interwebs. I’m looking for a dog. Not just any dog, but a rescue one who needs a grand dry warm loving home. We need one for ourselves to fill the … Continue reading →