We are doomed
You can only laugh.
That Corona thing has gotten itself a foothold in Ireland and the gubmint is in a state of complete bewilderment. Except that we don’t even have a proper gubmint at the moment.
So we had an election which resulted in a three way tie. They cannot agree how to form a gubmint so we are left with a “caretaker” lot who are acting like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I’m not privy to the goings on behind the scenes but as far as I can gather, the official line is “Jayzus but we haven’t a fucking clue”.
So far the advice we have been given is to wash our hands. They also want us to stop shaking hands when we meet and to either foot-tap each other or knock elbows. You couldn’t make this up. They tell us to stay at least a meter from each other yet when it comes to public gatherings the only thing they have done is to stop a couple of rugby matches.
In just eight days time we have Paddy’s Day. Hundreds of thousands will line the streets all pushing each other forward to get a better view of the parades. The perfect petrie dish for a virus. Our gubmint’s policy? – “Well, we’ll wait and see. Ask us tomorrow”. Decision making at its finest.
Italy is in lockdown as is China. France is banning all crowds. Ireland is shrugging its shoulder and praying for a miracle.
They are now openly admitting that the final headcount of victims could be 1.9 million. That could mean over 66,000 deaths. The health system is already over capacity so we can’t look to them for any kind of help. It is going to be every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost.
Maybe the gubmint is right? Maybe the best thing to do is nothing. Let nature take its course as it has a habit of doing anyway.
Personally I’m going to rely on one of the oldest reliable protections – fumigation.
I must stock up on baccy.
They have cancelled Paddy’s Day.
Someone made a decision.
Wonders will never cease.
the official line is âJayzus but we havenât a fucking clueâ
Business as usual, then. You’re not alone, it’s much the same our side of the water, too.
It's just normally not so bloody obvious.
Our Governor here in Pa. didn't wait until we had some cases of this silly virus thingy. He declared an emergency with 6 PRESUMPTIVE cases of the virus.
So with Paddy's day canceled has the gub'mint closed down the Temple bar area? Are pubs closed all over?
Pubs closed? Wash your mouth out! Keys to pubs will be handed down from the dying to the living. The last remaining survivor will lock up the pubs.
What the fuck. We're overpopulated anyway. I good cull is well overdue…
But can we ensure the right ones get culled?
All those fucking OAPs, cluttering up the hospitals and costing billions in pensions.
Oh, hang on……
I was thinking about the senile old buggers who clutter up the Palace of Westminster (both houses).
I'll refer you to a comment I left on a previous post of yours (Spot the Victim):
I'm just too lazy to write up the same thing here. Besides, it's almost time for supper.
Here in the States they have closed Disneyland for the first time ever in 64 years of continuous daily operation. Other venues, amusement parks, town doings as well. I believe it's the right thing to do. But DISNEYLAND? Who'd a thunk it? I do hope your lovely isle rides this virus out without too much upheaval.
Welcome Debbie! Closing Disneyland is one thing but cancelling Paddy's Day? Not only have they banned all parades here but have banned the day altogether. I'm not quite sure how that's going to work though. Are we to somehow skip from March 16th to 18th?