A bitch in heat
It was quite hot yesterday.
When I say it was quite hot, it wasn’t actually. The temperature was not all that high, but there was no wind and a high humidity. And when there is high humidity our sweat doesn’t evaporate so we feel hot and sticky.
I did a bit of gardening and then brought the paper out to read in the sun. The old sweat was pouring off me.
While I was sitting there trying to work obscene answers into the Simplex Crossword I noticed Sandy panting like mad. Now dogs aren’t affected so much by humidity as they don’t sweat. I began to wonder about how she will cope in France.
France tends to have higher temperatures and much lower humidity. We [Herself and I] therefore feel about the same as we did yesterday but without the stickiness. Sandy won’t have that equalisation. She will just feel hotter.
The first thing I thought of doing was to try to remove some of her under-fur. Now Sandy is a long haired dog. But under all that long hair there is an additional layer of very fine soft fur. By some method that leaves me baffled, this fur tends to migrate towards her arse, whereupon it falls out in fistfuls. So yesterday I got out her special grooming comb which is a lethal yoke with a load of very sharp blades. I combed her vigorously which she enjoyed immensely and got rakes of the fine fur out. I chucked it to the wind, but as there was no wind it just fell on the grass. Now our lawn looks like it’s infested with small rats.
I’m still not sure about France though and how Sandy will cope.
It will have to be a combination of hosing her down and chucking her in the swimming pool.
Sandy hates water.
Snady’s underfur keeps her cool as well as keeping her warm. The sun beating down on her has to get through all that fur before it can overheat her.   It’s a layer that both cools her and keeps her warm in the winter.
shave her belly! keep the long coat up top like a reverse mullet for a dog
Brianf – I did wonder if the whole thing worked both ways like a vacuum flask. Maybe I shouldn’t comb her then!  I’ll just let her drop the stuff all over the place as soon as she is finished with it.
Cat – How could you? He belly is covered with a magnificent mane of long, pure white hair. That stays.
Is it safe to come out……TT and his Merkin friends are very fucking intense. They really should get a life.
I’ll have some of the Free Tank Ammo from your Video (above). It’ll come in useful when the Merkins invade again….
Slab: Try and get over me and get on with your life.
Is this a spark of romance I see, between Slab and TT? How sweet.
Are you trying to cement our relationship GD. It could develop into something concrete.
TT, you’re such a BÂ Â rick….
Hi Julie
          I am worried about you taking Sandy on your hols.
As you probably know dogs don’t react well to long car trips… if it’s hot
even more so.
                     You can probably arrange to keep Sandy cool when you arrive
but be aware it will limit your trips around the place in warm weather……
don’t know if Sandy is ok to leave for a while at your holiday home…… if not…. more trouble.
     I would seriously consider a pet sitter to look after Sandy while you are away.
        Having said all that it is probably a load of ballox since I dont know Sandy or your holiday arrangements…………………….. I just felt I had to say it,you never know.
Anyway enjoy your hols and drink a verre for me in la belle france.
Welcome, Rod! As coincidence would have it, we decided last night that Sandy will be staying at home. Our main concerns were the boat trip [where she would be locked in a small steel cage for over eighteen hours], having to leave her in the car on regular occasions and the fact that she refuses to drive on the right.
And I’m so sorry to disappoint, but ‘Julie‘ wasn’t the right answer.