What idiot thought up the expression “as the crow flies” meaning a straight line?
All the crows around here fly in fucking circles.
What idiot thought up the expression “as the crow flies” meaning a straight line?
All the crows around here fly in fucking circles.
You sure them ain’t buzzards? 😮
The shite hawk and his mate.
They also have a habit of ascending and descending hundreds of feet and landing in trees. Â Imagine a car following a similar trajectory – we’ve arrived – fifty feet up a horse chestnut tree.
hmm, i prefer as straight as an arrow – mind you, they also have an arc – ing trajectory so thats wrong too………..
I don’t know and I don’t care. But, this post gave me a good laugh. Thank you.
How about changing it to “as the light-beam travels”?
Or does that lack a certain something?
Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana.
But how does a fruit fly fly?
According to W.B. Yeats, predator falcons fly in spiralling and non-symmetrical circles, as in the lines:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,  etc. etc.
Have you also noticed that crowshit does not fall vertically but is carried eliptically downward due to wind turbulence, enabling a crafty crow to score a direct hit on the windscreen of a moving car even if the crow happens to be flying circularly somewhere above ahead of the car? Stone the crows I say. No time for sentimentality about diversity in nature. Blast the varmints if you have a licensed shotgun.
Keith, I never knew a banana could fly, is it anything like a pig?
Ger, what Yeats poem are these lines from? They are beautiful.
Poetry on Head Rambles?
You’re raising the tone of the place.
Tweet Tweet is a bird’s pleasant poetic alliteration; but with crows the sound goes Caw Caw, which is an example of cacophonous alliteration. (I got them words from my English teacher during the Leaving course).
Peter, here’s a link to the entire poem of W.B. Yeats, called The Second Coming, which is not really about falcons. They’re just used in the opening as some sort of symbol, like how Shakespeare uses crows and ravens as dramatic symbols in a play or two:
Does anybody know the difference between a crow, a raven and a rook? Which is a real pest?
Thankyou Ger.