Same old same old
So it’s 2011?
Quite honestly, I don’t know what all the fuss is about. It looks, feels and smells exactly like yesterday. If the New Year did something significant like instantly adding a couple of hours of daylight, then I might be more inclined to get excited. The only impact the new year has on my life is a change of calendar on the wall and a couple of months of confusion when I put the wrong year on a cheque.
I’m not going to make any predictions, as I did last year. My predictions were depressingly accurate [except that we didn’t have an election], and to be honest, I am a little scared at my ability to foresee the future, so I’ll give it a miss this time around.
I am not going to make any resolutions, as I have already said. After all, it is difficult to improve on perfection, so I have little to resolve.
I have no plans whatsoever for the year, except maybe to attempt to survive it. Unlike previous years, I have no holidays booked, so I haven’t a clue where we will end up. I do have a suspicion though that it will involve either Brittany or West Cork. Or maybe both. Or maybe neither. Who knows? Who cares?
In the meantime, life carries on as it always has. Same routines. Same habits.
It’s time to nip down to the village for some baccy and the paper.
Just like every other Saturday.
Well you could have welcomed Estonia to the Titanic that is the Euro. Poor buggers.
Well at least you won’t have any commentors today. They’re all hungover.
Brianf….Fat chance!  I’m sure tt will chime in soon. As for me, I am carefully forming a longer, witty response.
GD..I am delighted that 2011 didn’t change your cheery outlook.
As for forecasting the future, here’s mine. Shit will happen.
‘sfunny. Feels like Sunday. Been lashing down all day, too. Fuckall on TV. Sod it. Early bed for me.Â
My predictions for 2011:-
a. There will be growth in the spring.
b. Shit will continue to hit the fanblades; therefore keep crapping cows well away from wind farms.
c. Share prices will go up and down; but don’t invest in Anglo.
d. There will be no 29th February, so take a leap into next year and escape this year’s gloom.
e. The Greens won’t hold the balance of power, but Fianna Fail might.
f. Trevor Sargent will continue to ride a bicycle, but not to the Dail.
g. More taxes on alcohol and tobacco. Bad for pipe smokers.
h. Chinese may become an option for the Leaving Cert.
i. There are great times coming, but we won’t live long enough to see them.
Have a great year Grandad – and the rest of you too. I’ll continue to dip in for my daily, or so, dose of sense.
My tip for this year is, same as last year, keep laughing, and have at least 1 adventure every time you go out.
My granny made me take the Pledge when I was six. I fear I am going to disappoint her again this year-wherever she is.