Thursday again
Today is Thursday. I know that for a fact without consulting a calendar, my watch, my phone or my laptop. How can I be so sure? Because it’s Pill Day again. For some strange reason, there seems to be Thursday … Continue reading →
Today is Thursday. I know that for a fact without consulting a calendar, my watch, my phone or my laptop. How can I be so sure? Because it’s Pill Day again. For some strange reason, there seems to be Thursday … Continue reading →
They say that intolerance comes with age. Bollocks! Quite honestly I am more tolerant now than I used to be. If I get stuck behind a slow driver, or even worse, behind someone who stops for a chat with a … Continue reading →
I mentioned that we had a chaotic weekend. It was actually a near catastrophic week in hindsight. It was a “perfect storm” [an expression that seems be in vogue] where a series of unrelated events combined to shatter our peaceful … Continue reading →
They’re at it again. Our gubmint seem determined to virtue signal to the world that “we care about our citizens” and to be The World’s First country to do something. Great! Now the world is going to blame us for … Continue reading →