Thursday again
Today is Thursday.
I know that for a fact without consulting a calendar, my watch, my phone or my laptop. How can I be so sure? Because it’s Pill Day again.
For some strange reason, there seems to be Thursday more often than any other day. Maybe Einstein has an answer to this one but unfortunately he’s dead. Leastwise Pill Day seems to crop up every second or third day so there must be a strange surplus of Thursdays.
Between the two of us, we consume 31 tablets and capsules a day. I haven’t the faintest idea what most are for and they range in size from little pinheads to massive great bunker busters. It’s a bland diet but it saves a bit on food bills – we just stuff ourselves with medication and that does the job.
We each have little pill boxes with morning and evening pigeon-holes so that means popping out 217 tablets and then sorting them into their correct places. This is a pain in the hole as if I get one wrong it can have disastrous [but interesting] consequences. Accessing the pills in the first case is problematic as our pharmacist [bless her] insists on sealing each box with a nearly invisible but incredibly strong tape. Then of course I have to attack each individual pill which is encased in steel. I solved the latter by growing my fingernails to hack and gouge at the packaging. A drastic solution but needs must.
Thursday is also Bin Day. Well, actually Friday is Bin Day but it’s best to put our offerings out the night before. We have a green bin and a black one and they are collected alternately. So I never remember which bin to put out. The company does provide a little yoke for my phone and that politely reminds me the day after collection which is a fat fucking help. I had to make a note in my phone’s calendar to remind me which is which.[I just checked – Green tonight apparently].
So I have done the pills and have yet to do anything about the Green Bin. In the meantime I have to bring Penny to the vet for her monthly injection for arthritis [to fix it, not cause it]. I don’t know if the injection works as she still walks like she’s on stilts and usually falls over when trying to go up or down steps of any kind . It doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest and she still insists on following me everywhere I go or just wandering around the Manor by herself.
Don’t I live an exciting life?
Why don’t you ask your pharmacist to supply your meds in Dosette boxes?
Save your Thursday’s.
Hah! I tried that. She nearly blew a fuse. In fairness to the woman, she’s worked off her feet so will only provide the service if I loose both hands or am otherwise paralysed. It’s a boring routine but I can live with it.
If you Google – or other search (tracking) bunch, for “Pill Puncher Blister Pack Remover Tablet Popper”, or similar there’s a whole display of ‘aids’ to help the un-welding process of pill extraction!
They only cost a few quid, and are a godesnd when trying to do that many pills! The smaller pills tend to get a bit bashed, but on the whole, they do work pretty well!
Many of my efforts often end up on the floor, but the dog no longer has high blood pressure, and she’ll never get pregnant again…
I often wondered if there was a tool but never bothered researching. Some of the pills are very delicate and they’re mainly the ones with the thickest suit of armour so I imagine that anything that would try to push them out would just mash them. My technique is to slice the packaging with one fingernail and then scoop them gently out with anther finger. I’m quite the master of that technique.
We go through the same thing with my pills except my pill day is Sunday rather than Thursday (Laurie takes no pills at all except for the occasional aspirin, rotten woman). Laurie takes care of doling them out into their individual compartments in my pills container thingy as my memory has gone the way of some extinct thing. My pill count per day is about the same as yours so all is well there. Thankfully all my meds now come in bottles and not those damn sheets with permanently sealed pill compartments I had to pry off with a can opener.
oday’s Thursday, today’s Thursday, Thursday is shephard’s pie
Wednesday is roast beef
Tuesday is soup
Monday is washing day
Is everybody happy? You bet your life we are!