The end of an era
Today is quite a big day, but it has arrived with hardly a whisper.
Today marks the end of those damned “emergency measures” and the Virus is hopefully condemned to the history books. It is now legal to walk into any non health related establishment without any mask or face covering – something I have been doing for the last two years anyway. It will be strange walking into my local shops without breaking any laws. The rebellious side of me will be somewhat disappointed.
Doubtless the Neurotic and the Braindead will continue to wear them. It can be a new sport – counting the masked idiots driving their cars. There will be a few. People are so obsessed with their health these days.
I suppose now I can dispose of the disposable mask that I had to use on the few occasions where I was forced to? It’s looking distinctly tatty and grey after two years in my pocket. It would be interesting to place it in a Petrie dish to see what grows. There again, masks are still mandatory in hospitals and the like so I might as well hold onto it. Maybe the Grandkids would like to inherit it as a piece of history [The Mask my Grandad didn’t wear during the Great Plague of the 21st Century]?
I’m hoping that now things can really get back to normal. I’ll be happy when they remove all those perspex screens that every shop seems to have erected. I always had to stick my head around the side of them so I could hear what was being said. That sort of defeated the purpose of the screens but The Law was The Law.
The Virus hardly gets a mention these days. It gets an apologetic slot towards the end of the News after all the important stuff about wars and murders. Of course they now have something else to be breathless about – The War.
Fuck! I take that back. The radio is on and George Lee [a reporter who loves ramping up the panic level] has just been on the news telling us that Climate Change is about to end all life on Earth.
Isn’t the threat of nuclear war not alarming enough for them?
When it comes to ‘climate change’, always remember those politicians who claim that, by charging you some extra taxes and forcing you out of your car, they can manage the temperature of the entire planet – well those are the very same politicians who have just expensively proved that they can’t even manage a trivial microscopic virus, so what self-delusion makes them think they could manage a vastly bigger job that’s just as impossible anyway? Charlatans the lot of them.
Fair point! Maybe if we all jump up and down we can change the Earth’s orbit?
Nobody ever gets asked what climate they would like.
But the pollies assure us that they can change it.
Seems a bit undemocratic. Why are they afraid to ask?
Me? I would like that of the Basque region of France.
Stop that. You’ll be giving me hankerings to return there. In fact any climate from the southern half of France would do.
On the odd occasion when I troll the climate liars I ask them what is the correct concentration of CO2. That of 100 years ago, 10000 years ago, a million years ago? It’s an obvious troll, I know, but they never have an answer. I’d like to hope that it makes the odd one think about the utter bollocks they’re spouting.
They love shouting about “the hottest year on record” or “the most storms aver” but they always forget to mention that proper records only go back a hundred or so years. Now if they had full and accurate records for the last few thousand years I might worry. Only might though.
[P.S. I took the liberty of deleting your duplicate comment]
We don’t need all those records to note that, in the past, there have been ice-ages, some long, some short, but all of which were ended when the planet’s temperature warmed up again, that is called ‘global warming’.
However, all that global warming happened entirely naturally, without a single coal-fired power-station, a single automobile engine or even a wood-burning stove anywhere on the planet. Now tell me that it’s all my fault. It’s nature, get over it, Greta.
Greta, in Norse mythology the child goddess of petulance.
Let the climate change for shit sake! Up until a year ago I had lived in the temperate rain forest areas of Oregon. We have been in Oregon’s high desert for a little over a year now and all in all; the desert ain’t half bad.
We do seem to be getting a few extra storms all right but summers seem to be a bit better. I’m quite happy with that!
“It would be interesting to place it in a Petrie dish to see what grows.”
Don’t! I mean it! Do. Not. Do. This. You don’t want to know. Trust me.
Some scientist or other has already done this with masks worn for about 20 minutes. Believe me, you don’t want to know.
On another note: I’m so jealous. Here (Germany, where else?), we’re still discussing mandates. And if I want to visit a wildlife park, I need a test / QR-code. For visiting a park. Seriously. And the worst is: people go along. I despair.