The madding crowd
There is a little “problem” in Ireland at the moment.
The thing is that it isn’t really a problem at all and in fact could be of great benefit if only the Powers That Be could take their heads out of their arses and just think for a moment.
Large crowds are gathering in our cities and the gubmint along with their health “experts” are having a hissy fit over this. The reason for their hissy fit is that the crowds are ignoring their “advice” [i.e. emergency laws giving the police tons of extra powers]. They don’t want people gathering in crowds and enjoying themselves. Why? The only reason I can think of is that they’re furious at people ignoring their petty laws and are getting heavy handed with baton charges to break up the crowds. Yes – that is what we have sunk to.
Let’s look at the facts for a moment.
The crowds that are gathering are predominantly young people. They are at an age where socialising is actually in their genes. They have been cooped up for the last fifteen months or so and want to get out there, meet their pals and make new pals. It’s what young people do and is an essential part of growing up. They want to broaden their horizons and meet new people. Students goimg to university for the first time are desperate to meet their course-mates.
Now when young people gather there is usually a fair amount of alcohol involved. Fair play. It’s party time to celebrate a modicum of liberty. And when young people get into groups and get a bit tipsy they are inclined to be a bit boisterous. They are young; they are happy; they’re a little bit tipsy and there is strength in numbers. If the police march in to break up their fun, of course they are going to resent that and some will retaliate.
So why exactly are the police being heavy handed? Because the groups are just that – in groups. They are not “socially distancing”. They are not wearing masks. They are not washing their hands every five minutes. They are behaving like normal people doing what normal people want to do but they are ignoring the emergency laws.
The answer is so blazingly simple that it’s laughable. Let the kids alone. Let then loose to mingle wherever they want. In fact they should be encouraged to mingle as much as possible. Hold open air concerts and sports events.
You see, the majority of the so called “vulnerable” are vaccinated. And if you are not one of the “vulnerable” then you are presumably well able to cope with a virus. Of course cases will rise from the mingling but so fucking what? The vast majority will get nothing worse than a dose of flu. In the meantime of course the virus spreads until the majority have been exposed and have become immune after their dose of sniffles.
It’s called “herd immunity”.
Get with the programme, old timer. It's nothing to do with a virus, it's all about control.
As religions the world over have always known, if you get them to accept your control-systems young, you've got them for life.
That is one reason why I silently cheer the crowds on. There are times when a bit of anarchy is called for.
I heard a member of the public, male, youngish, remark on Sky News yesterday (Saturday, 5th) evening that he thought social distancing should continue, even after the end of the current plague, as being physically distant from people is better – people actually need that extra bit of space, he said thoughtfully. I think this is what Chesterton called living in the coffin of your own selfishness. Years ago I started reading Gogol's "Dead Souls" but never finished the book which is itself unfinished. As in the novel, dead souls are still statistics, as if alive, in the Age of the Bookkeeper. Lager louts are not attractive but are a good deal less unattractive than their dead, statistical counterpart would be if one could see the latter's face. So, I would suggest to the man across the water that he buy a few cans of cheap cider and litter his own safety box.
Sadly I have heard that refrain before. Not only do some want to retain their distances but intend wearing masks indefinitely. My answer is to invade their little bubbles with the express intention of making them feel uncomfortable, Mask wearers shall simply be ignored and treated as if they don't exist. In my opinion, they will become phantoms of a period of madness that is just best forgotten.
Thanks for the response. I have avoided virtually every circumstance where I am obliged to wear a mask bar essential shopping within five miles. My mask is a spotted handkerchief tied up with the straps of an Australian cowboy hat. So, no haircut since 2019! If someone I know comes to the door with a mask on I say, "Take that fucking thing off" – and they do.
The most puzzling mask-wearers are those driving alone in their cars with all the windows shut tight.
I have seen quite a few driving around with masks on. I don't know what word to use to describe them. Neurotics? Hypochondriacs? Brainwashed zombies? It is truly a baffling phenomenon.
I just presume that those solitary drivers with masks on have just nicked the car: it's the only rational explanation.
I hadn't thought of that. It makes sense. Maybe I should report any sightings to the authorities?
And who might they be? At a time of collective panic, and the absence of sober judgement, authority has withdrawn to the individual kitchen, the mug of tea, a pipe of Condor plug (nowadays made in Poland) and a clear head – a bit like this thread, the boxes getting smaller and smaller! The men of the grate, and the smoking chimney, will cast a balm on troubled souls, as if the previous two years had never happened and all folly had been forgiven. Just a few men, by the fire, in shrinking but not shrunk boxes of reason. One must be optimistic. Meanwhile, citizen's arrest is available for masked, motorised kleptomaniacs.
'Herd immunity'? I prefer the term 'flock immunity'.