Yesterday was a little bit special. My coffee shop is back! Not only is it back open for business but it is back to pre-pandanic days without all that damned yellow tape on half the tables supposedly stopping people from … Continue reading →
Yesterday was a little bit special. My coffee shop is back! Not only is it back open for business but it is back to pre-pandanic days without all that damned yellow tape on half the tables supposedly stopping people from … Continue reading →
There is a little news item that has been rumbling around for the past few days. It concerns Catherine Zappone who is an ex-minister for children. It seems that her pals in gubmint invented a job and a title for … Continue reading →
An unusual thing happened to me yesterday. As I may have mentioned, some time ago I got myself a new[ish] car. It’s what they call an MCV, in line with the latest practice of ascribing posh sounding acronyms to car … Continue reading →
I’m sure I have said this before, but I just don’t understand sport. I can understand exercise and a bit of craic though. Kicking a ball around a field with a few mates is grand. I have also done a … Continue reading →