On being urinated
I’m really pissed off today.
It’s an accumulation of frustrations and annoyances and it’s wearing me down.
This laptop is still playing silly buggers. I switched it off yesterday after my little scribbles and placing a grocery order. Later I switched on again and it failed AGAIN. It’s now a lottery with very few winning numbers. Usually I get that irritating “grub>” or “Error: Command not found”. Sometimes I get the boot menu but usually that does fuck all too. I think I am going to have to go back to first basics – delete all the new Linux partitions, do a Factory Reset, recreate Linux partitions and install Linux from scratch. And I bet the Grub loader will still fuck things up.
The central heating bloke still hasn’t turned up. I’m still using the old system which is drinking oil.
The tree fellers have postponed their visit for a second time. I’m getting really pissed off with them. They now claim they’ll be here on Tuesday.
Then there’s the Virus. There is always the fucking Virus. We’ve had a year of it now with their petty restrictions and penalties. That shower of cunts in Nphet tell us that the numbers have come down which is not a good thing. I don’t know why. They want more restrictions anyway just in case the numbers go up again. All they care about is their fucking numbers. Do they realise that people are not just numbers? Apparently not. Numbers, statistics, graphs and charts are the order of the day and actual people apparently don’t exist. If they want a number then what about 830,000? That’s the number of people waiting on hospital admissions. That’s nearly a fifth of the entire population; many probably with life threatening problems.
At least they’re talking about allowing us to have a holiday this year.
Provided it’s in our own back garden.
Isn’t that big of them?
Those hospital waiting lists cannot be taken at face value. It is patently absurd to think that approaching one fifth of the population is ill enough to need hospital treatment. I don't have an explanation, except that some people like me are seeing several different consultants,.This would hardly explain completely the extraordinarily high figure.
Well grandad, sounds like the stars are not aligning in your favor. On the bright side (at least for me); my copy of Head Rambles arrived yesterday and if I should ever find myself in an honest to goodness Irish pub, I will be able to order and enjoy a Guinness without my tired old body being used as a dart board.
I thank you kindly Sir!
No, I thank you. Hope you're not too disappointed. Incidentally, the cover they chose was my least favourite of a crap batch.
Nphet. Sounds like ancient Egyptian city.
Perhaps the mythical one where the un-dead await their fate, each confined, alone, in a cell. Ruled over by the well endowed goddess Nphetitty, She teases her victims by promises release into whatever the Egyptian equivalent of Nirvana was, the following week.
But the following week never comes. Always jam tomorrow.
National Public Health Emergency Team. Wouldn't you think they'd have the immagination to come up with a proper acronym? Committee for Understanding Numbers Trends and Statistics for example?
The Auckland City Council, with a fair few brainwashed anti-smokers and Green anti-cars and so on in it, in banning smoking in the CBD and bus stops and parks, considered in their infinite mercy to maybe allow some spots around the city where smokers could, you know, smoke, even outside in the open air.
I thought that perhaps they could be labelled (on a map)
Government Havens Enabling Taking Tobacco Outdoors.
Thankfully most people don't take any notice, no fake coughs or fake hand waving.
But still, the excise tax is more than the price of silver, so one saves ones tobacco.
And the Zealots never sleep … even in a Covid crisis.
“The value of tobacco is best understood when it is the last you possess and there is no chance of getting more.”
– Otto von Bismarck.