
Raccoon Tails by Anna Raccoon — 6 Comments

  1. Many thanks G.D.Raccoon Tails by Anna Raccoon  duly archived for future study , appreciation and entertainment

  2. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the chance of a full-on Raccoon highlights binge; having done both, I am now ready to settle down with a glass in hand to enjoy it in full this weekend.

    Many thanks for posting this – and a hearty toast to the memory of Mme Raccoon.

  3. I have been working on this project [on and off] for the past couple of months.  So far I have recovered around 3,600 posts, and naturally there is the temptation to read them.  The list above represents just 1% !!

    Is it any wonder it’s taking me so long?

  4. A big vote of thanks to you, Grandad (and anyone else who’s helped in the endeavour). I was supposed to be busy on something and just going to bookmark this page for the weekend. But the temptation was too much — I’d read the first six instalments before I realised that time was passing. Back to work!

  5. As I was copy-pasta-ing the linkies for the post yesterday evening, I had to issue the The Absolute Bestes Frau In The World instructions to throw something at me if she hadn’t heard me typing for a few minutes.


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