Blow me
Met Éireann plans to start naming storms from next year That should be interesting? Or not, as the case may be? Having given us a load of colour codes to ponder upon, they are now going to give us names … Continue reading →
Met Éireann plans to start naming storms from next year That should be interesting? Or not, as the case may be? Having given us a load of colour codes to ponder upon, they are now going to give us names … Continue reading →
Of course today is the Winter Solstice. It's a time for retrospection and hope. A time for peace and forgiveness. A time for drunkenness, debauchery and the deflowering of virgins [not that there’s many of them around these days]. It … Continue reading →
I may have mentioned before how Twitter keeps sending me recommendations? Some of the time they tell me about things that "are popular on Twitter" and enclose a list of items that are all about two weeks out of date. … Continue reading →
I am quite overcome with emotion. Our Glorious Leader has taken time off from his busy holidays schedule to grace us with a Christmas message. I can see he had difficulty in holding back the emotion as he reads his … Continue reading →