
Wireless wireless — 19 Comments

  1. You should not lie about radio stations in Vermont. Everyone knows they do not have radio yet. It must have been a pirate station from New Hampshire. 

  2. i knew perfectly well you meant for the radio, and wondered if you were up to the task of continued conversation you’d need to supply if you didn’t get the batteries for the radio…really, what smutty minds people have these days… =)

  3. Jim C – Somwhere in its literature I read that it’s the “radio of the future” or something like that.  Maybe it was receiving signals from 2021?

    Cat – I sometimes despair at the standard f my readers.  Come to that I sometimes despair at the standard of the writer…….

  4. Jim C – Somewhere in its literature I read that it’s the “radio of the future” or something like that.  Maybe it was receiving signals from 2021?

    Cat – I sometimes despair at the standard of my readers.  Come to that I sometimes despair at the standard of the writer…….

  5. “Wireless, Wireless” .. I knew the good old terminology would re-surface one day .. now all we need is a return to the “Light Programme” & the “Home Service” ..

    If your Interweb thingy won’t reach the shed Grandad .. how about utilising the garden hose with a plastic kitchen funnel attached to each end .. then you can “pipe” herself’s favourite progs out to her ? … 😉

  6. TT – What in the name of all that’s holy is Woop Woop?

    Haddock – You forgot to mention the news being read by Alvar Lidell.

    Cardi – I know.  It’s a very sad reflection on modern society.

  7. –. . -   -.– — ..- .-. … . .-.. ..-.   .-   -. . .–   .-. .- -.. .. — .-.-.-   – …. . .-. .   .- .-. .   … — — .   –. .-. . .- -   -.. . .- .-.. …   .. -.   .–. — .– . .-. -.-. .. – -.– .-.-.-
    or I have a 1972 radio you can have, works perfectly. You can get The Kennedys of Castlerosse and Charles Mitchell sounds great reading the news. Best bit is no fucking Pat Kenny.

  8. “Welcome to Woop Woop”  c ’97 Aussie movie with a Seppo in it and the guy out of The Time Machine c ’60. Am feeling a bit ‘crook’ today.
    Somebody who lives ithe middle of nowhere in the outback is said to be living in Woop Woop.

  9. Slab – What the hell would I need a new radio for when I have just bought one?  Thanks for the offer of an old one though.  I would take you up on it but it wouldn’t work as they have decommissioned Athlone.  Though I suppose I could still use Hilversum or Luxembourg?

  10. Slab says:
    Obviously still tuned to Athlone!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Slab had me -.-. — -. ..-. ..- … . -.. for a moment
    Athlone, Light Programme, etc really dates the readership…man!!!

  12. Tune into Radio North Korea and listen to some long tear-jerking eulogies in memory of Kim Song Il, followed by mournful brass music. That’ll drive you to the drink man.

  13. — — .-. … .   -.-. — -.. .   .. …   .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.–   –.- ..- .. – .   . .- … -.–   — -. -.-. .   -.– — ..-   –. . -   – …. .   …. .- -. –.   — ..-.   .. -   -….- .- ..-. – . .-.   .- .-.. .-..   .. -   .. …   .— ..- … -   .-   .-.. — .- -..   — ..-.   -.. — – …   .- -. -..   -.. .- … …. . …

    Ger – I tried that but it’s all in a foreign language!  They could be talking Morse for all I know.

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