Heil Merkel
I see the EU wants even more control over us.
Of course they donât really want to do this, but itâs for the sake of the children Euro.
My hole, it is. This is what they have been aiming at all along.
I donât know why we donât just hand our chequebooks and keys to Brussels and end this charade.
At yesterdayâs summit meeting in Brussels.
[LtoR] Enda Kenny of Ireland and Angela Merkel of Germany.
You didn’t tell me Enda Kenny was one of the little people or has Merkel been eating two portions again?
that picture made me wonder…how is sandy doing with the licking business?
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all you assholes. (Including the imbecilic Brideyf)
Sean – They don’t call her The Sauerkraut for nothing….
Cat – Funny you should ask that. She stopped doing it for a while and then started again. Just when I was on the point of bringing her to the vet, she stopped again. A while later she started again and the cycle started repeating. She must be able to read my mind.
Baroso and his latest catchphrase ‘economic governence’ is starting to piss me off. This failed lawyer, failed politican left Portugal in the merde and was ‘nominated’ to top job in Europe, not elected!! Now he sees fit to tell me what to do after I have spent my life making my own living! How long would he last living off his wits, without the Euro safety net! I’m drawing a small square moustache on his photo here!
@Not Green, Baroso, rumpey pumpey and the rest are finished, next year each major state in Europe has to roll over their interest payments, the EU owes more than it is worth and now that the markets are not buying Sovereign bonds it is all coming down in flames as each member state realises enough is enough, just look at it as the last rantings of some oversized egos who wont accept the reality of the situation and are in their death throes.Â
And the picture says it all.
The fuckers can have my cheque book and I have bunches of keys they can have. It’ll do them no bloody use though.
I sympathise with Herr Merkel in the picture, as Kenny and his gobshites are getting up my hole too.
GD, Have you been looking up those dodgy sites where strange people like to love dogs and animals again?
Kirk M – I’m regretting using that photograph now. It’s upsetting my delicate stomach…
Slab – It was a simple case of putting up the weirdest photo I could find, just to save you the trouble.
They have got everyone to believe that there is a dire financial problem and they and their cronies are the only ones that can sort it out……AND you must let us take over everything, if not you will loose everything..your wages your pensions your wife your children.
It was them that said we have this huge debt but it was their crooked mates and bankers who had the debt. Goldman Sucks told that fool Biffo that the taxpayer must bail them out. I mean what the hell had the whole scam to do with the man in the street. Now where are the guilty parties Biffo and co enjoying their huge pension notice they did not have to wait extra years before it was picked up. Fitzpatrick the same enjoying life laughing at how they got away with it.
Now the sheep vote in a new joker Kenny what do you get the more of the same, the UK voted out that fool Brown got another EU puppet in his place.
Peacock – I have heard strong rumours that we will have to hold another referendum as the European Constitution Lisbon Treaty will have to be changed. I can hear them already screaming that we have no option and that we HAVE to vote yes.
Someone has already suggested that we could save a shed load of money by holding the second referendum first!
“I have heard strong rumours that we will have to hold another referendum as the European Constitution Lisbon Treaty will have to be changed. I can hear them already screaming that we have no option and that we HAVE to vote yes.”
No we won’t. The last time I wrote a blog entry it was about the Lisbon Treaty, and about what we were asked to vote on. The second part of it specified that changes could be passed by the approval of both houses of parliament.
That is one heck of a photo Grandad. Almost rendered me speechless. Almost.
5h4mr0(k – I watched a bit of Yer Man Vinny Brown on TV3. They all seemed convinced that a referendum would be inevitable. However I do seem to remember that one of the clauses in the Lisbon thing was that we wouldn’t be allowed have to vote again. Time will tell?
Denise – That’s nothing to what the Jack Russell was rendered?
Has the time arrived to combine(as upposed to unite) with the brits ,and to tell our incestous european “friends” to FUCK OFF