Today is the day we remember those who lost their lives in the wars.
I canât help but wonder what they would make of the world that we built on their sacrifice.
A world of greed, corruption, state regulation and chaos.
They must be spinning in their graves.
Happy Veteran’s Day.
Ramrod – Thanks. Is it a day for happiness, or a day for remembrance? Suppose it can be both………
At least in England they got a health service and free education out of World War II – the Irishmen who fought in the Allied armies got nothing out of it.
it pissed down rain, i went and placed my wreath and remembered, my father, uncles, aunt, grandfather and greatgrand father.
lest we forgetÂ
Keep the change!
God Bless them and all they gave. God help us for the mess we made with it.
well said slab
Not everyone appreciates veterans.
Ian – Worse than that – their existence was virtually denied up ’til recent times.
Cat – It pissed rain here too. It must be something in the weather?
Not green – Thanks!
Slab – Very very true. It baffles me how we/they managed to fuck up the entire system in such a short time.
Ramrod – The great thing about those louts is that they always fall foul of their own vanity. Sticking a video on YouTube shows just how dim is the bulb in their attic.
God Bless Them All.
To them, they gave us freedom.
To now, why did they give up their precious lives, for traitors.Â
BTW, outdoor rememberance service this morning, glorious autume weather, sun shone, very special.
What wars are you talking about?
WWI, perhaps? A war between empires, using human fodder to further the aims of capital?Â
And what does is have to do with Ireland?Â
Didn’t realize that you were an imperialist fanboy Rambles. But now we know. Adieu.
Humanist – Those Irish who died in the two world wars. Does the fact that you disagree with the motive lessen the fact that they died for what they believed in? And it’s Mister Rambles to you, sir.
If you don’t like your country’s war, you can fight in the resistance. For most people, being against the war is their tactic for being a coward.