Nudge nudge wink wink
Last week I scribbled a wee piece about the EU flag.
Some of you had the temerity to disagree with me [Shock! Horror!].
By sheer chance, I came across another item a couple of days later. The EU is proposing to compel all sporting teams from the EU to display the EU flag at sporting events.
Again, some of you will throw your hands in the air and say âso what?â I say âso everythingâ.
There is a technique much beloved by modern governments known as the âNudgeâ technique. When they want a major shift in public opinion, they donât just overnight legislate to force us into that opinion. Oh no. They employ the âNudgeâ. Nudging is a slow process. It involves little steps where each step goes almost unnoticed. Anyone who objects to the nudge will be told that itâs only a small thing and that they shouldnât worry.
The Nudge has been very effectively employed in turning smokers into second class citizens. We went through all the stages of Cancer, Second Hand Smoke, Third Hand Smoke and bans left right and centre. If, in the early nineties the governments had brought in the laws we now have, there would have been an uproar abut civil liberties and bully states. As it is, the bans are accepted because the sheeple have been nudged there. The same is happening right now with drink and fast food. The populace is being nudged in the direction of draconian measures that would be unthinkable today.
The flag is a classic example of the Nudge. People will say itâs only a flag and wonât turn a hair. But what comes next? Will it be mandatory for all EU goods to display the flag? Fill the EU flag get prominence over a national flag?
And once the sheeple have gotten used to seeing the EU flag everywhere, what comes next? Your guess is as good as mine, but as I said before, it wouldnât surprise me if people were Nudged into a common language. It will be done in small discreet steps, so no one really notices any change.
One of these days, in the not too distant future, you will wake up and find that you are no longer Irish, British, French or German. You will all be just plain European, with no other identity other than that which Brussels imposes.
Donât say you havenât been warned.
There’ll only be two entrants in the Eurovision song contest: Europe and Israel.
They better not nudge me here :
Quite right.
AS for the change in language I would refer you to my reply:
Might depend on who is wearing them panties not green !!
Where’s all the “fuckwits” gone?
Holemaster – And still we’ll continue to lose.
Not Green – I think Mossy hit the nail there.Â
Mossy – Your previous comment is a classic example of Nudge in operation. Change little but change often. A bit like Chinese Whispers.
Patrick – You scared ’em off?
so, heres the deal, i won’t refer to you as “european” if you don’t refer to me as an “american”
and i’ll correct people over here if you’ll do the same across the big pond on your side, deal?
canada isn’t america tyvm
@patrick harris
fuckwits have been nudge to become sheeple i think
Cat – I wouldn’t dream of calling you Merkan. Did I ever?Â
If we weren’t in the Fourth Reich then it wouldn’t be a problem!
Welcome Dioclese! The problem is that people don’t realise they are in the Fourth Reich. By the time they realise it. it’s too late.
One way male athletes could protest is by ‘going Greek’ (as in the ancient olympics) and turning out in their birthday suits for the running, jumping, humping, javelin throwing and bullthrowing events. But then some bureaucrat Fourth Reicher might get the brainwave of having compulsory flag tatoos inscribed on their backsides.
I really and seriously believe the EU “dream” is heading for collapse as is indicated by the greater influence of Marxist thinking being allowed to influence Brussels, that and the impending implosion of the Euro when Greece defaults which alone will sting Wall Street for $127 Billion in insurance payouts taken out by the powers that be agaist this eventuality; The U.S. may well also default in the next few weeks on its debts of $14.3 TRILLION and the lines between Washington, Germany and Brussels are apparently glowing nicely.
Ultimately Brussels does not have an army, the ALL of the sovereign states involved do, so the final choice fot the govts. of each country is; do we quell the civillian unrest and disobedience by force with our armies or do we ignore Brussels and listen to our peoples?