
Disney enters the drugs market — 7 Comments

  1. The pushers down Eden Quay are too Goofey to sell Mickey Mouse yokes. They all look like they came from Pluto.
    Now Tinker Bell, especially if she’s in the guise of Julia Roberts can spread her fairy dust all over my Captain Hook any time. I’d giver her a right Peter Pan in the Neverland too. Anyway her fairy dust is feckin’ great, better then Red Bull. You don’t even need the wings to fly.
    If Grandad can post the invite info we might be able to get some.

  2. Slab – They didn’t pay me so I’m damned if I am going to advertise their shop.  Anyway the Grand Opening is over an done now, though they promise to have a Grand Opening every fucking day now.

    Mossy – Jayzus but he would have bought the entire shop!

  3. Ah Scheiße, I’ll just have to keep googling Tinker Bell (Julia). googling, gooooglinggg,

  4. Might be worth the trip considering ol’ Tinker Bell never did have much of a costume. No telling what kind of young beauty they stuffed into that tiny green get up.

  5. Walt Disney? Did you hear he was actually Spanish – from Almeria – the local mayor (& theatrical impressario) had it away with the maid – and maid and baby caught a boat taking tin to America – where he was adopted by the Disneys. No US birth cert exists. So it must be true.
    Anyway – that’s what a chancer (mayor) in Almeria told me. They’re hoping to set up an interpretive centre. Good luck to them.

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