
Bloody Sunday — 7 Comments

  1. The danger of drinking whiskey and gardening is that you don’t notice the pain caused by the cuts!

  2. I actually can’t get past the fact that you needed to mow the lawn Grandad. I was already wondering WTH I’m doing here in Iowa this morning when I watched the special from London on the local news about the run up to the Royal Wedding. Trees in bud and flowers a’bloomin’ – That was the picture in London. None of that happening here in Iowa. Spring is taking it’s sweet time showing up here! Now it’s in Ireland too? What did we do wrong??

  3. Ian – You know my rule – never more than six whiskeys before midday.

    Willie – Wha?  Are you claiming that I have mixemitosis or something?  I cleared that out of my system years ago.

    TT – Nothing to do with being soft.  I would just like to retain enough skin to remain reasonably watertight.  Not too much to ask?

    Denise – In fairness, I hadn’t cut it for about seven months and it was looking a little scruffier than usual.  Don’t worry about our weather.  They are forecasting a return to normal by Wednesday.  We will probably have five foot of snow by the weekend.

  4. A ride-on mower!!  I should be so lucky.
    Living on the top of a very rocky hill my attempt at weed/grass control is a strimmer and you need body armour to repel the flying stones.  All actual planting requires the use of a pickaxe.   I’m getting a bit old for all this – ibruprofen & hot baths calling.

  5. Still have a foot of snow yet to melt but I certainly can’t complain at all. We’ve lost 3 feet already and I’m starting to gaze longingly at the shed out back where my beloved old Cub Cadet sits waiting for me to take it out for the first run around the yard. Right after I charge the battery…and fix the clutch pedal return spring…and replace the mower deck idler pulley…and change the oil…and clean the spark plug…and pump grease into all the fittings…and…
    Have you stopped bleeding yet?

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