Not too old yet
I was reading a thing the other day about getting older.
Apparently there is no limit to life expectancy.
It seems to be possible that Herself and I will run the clock past the ton.
I have developed a healthy disrespect for researchers over the past few years, as they are only too keen to come up with some absurd conclusion just to please their paymasters. This time however I think they have discovered the ultimate goal of science – to provide everlasting life. Their studies have thrown up a conclusion which quite frankly amazes me. It is a leap of faith, but with a bit of thought, one can see the possibility of a certain logic in their conclusions. And this fantastic conclusion that leads to longevity? The reason behind the steady rise in life expectancy is “the decline in the death rate of the elderly”, says Professor Tom Kirkwood from the Institute of Ageing and Health at Newcastle University. You have to hand it to him. He is prepared to stick his head on the block and risk the ridicule of his peers.
I have a lovely vision in my head right now.
Just picture it – Herself and myself sitting out in the garden in the sunshine as our K8 drops up for a visit. Naturally, she will have Puppychild with her, not to mention Puppychild’s husband, five kids and nine grandkids, who will presumably be my great great grandchildren [see- if President O’Bama can trot out the ‘grands’ then so can I]. Sir Fartzalott will still be hanging out of K8’s shoulder, while his wife hangs out of the other. Laughingboy will of course have driven up already in his solar-powered chair.
I wonder if I will still be writing this rubbish?
I read that 115 is probably the end of the line regarding life expectancy – apparently the body just wears out by then.
I would settle for 105, if I can still be skiing at 100.
i don’t want to live that long but i do hope you’ll still be writing while i last =)
When your name’s on the bullet………….
Or when the ice flow is ready……
Great about the massive lifespan sir.
On the living longer bit, you might find this piece on smoking of interest.
Ian – Nah! 115 is pushing it a bit. That sounds too much like Incontinence-Pads terretory. I think I will kick it before that.
Cat – I might as well tell you that I am working on a bit of code that will allow me to write from The Other Side. That should be interesting?
TT & Willie – You two know something I don’t?
Welcome Grellfar! Thanks very much for that link. There is a lot of reading matter, between the post itself, the comments and all the links. It’ll take a bit of reading……….
Mark Twain once said, “Old age is always 10 years older than what we are.”Â
“I wonder if I will still be writing this rubbish?”
I hope that I shall still be reading it !
Willie – A source of great wisdom, is our Mark.
AGrandad – Heh! I hadn’t thought of it that way. Maybe I’ll outlive the lot of you?
The 2 of us just finished our 5 pounds of peeled, bald, garlic cloves, ready to order another. That should make us live longer. Might be do to lack of irritating people around.
It won’t make you too popular with your resident vampire either?