New laws
There are many unwritten laws by which we must abide. One of those laws states that anyone of an older generation has to criticise pop music. I am a firm disbeliever in laws, so I refuse to criticise modern music, … Continue reading →
There are many unwritten laws by which we must abide. One of those laws states that anyone of an older generation has to criticise pop music. I am a firm disbeliever in laws, so I refuse to criticise modern music, … Continue reading →
I really hate Winter. I hate the cold, the dark, the damp and the dreariness of it all. And it’s even worse outside. At this time of year, when it is fucking miserable outside, I find it very hard to … Continue reading →
I had a bit of a chuckle today. I was flicking through the sites I read, and came across a nice piece of comedy on Dick Puddlecote’s site. Apparently Ryanair have produced their annual charity calendar and Mary Honeyball [MEP] … Continue reading →
One or two of you may have noticed that I didn’t write anything yesterday? It wasn’t for the lack of material. We just had a rather nasty budget that only had one really sensible item in it – no increase … Continue reading →