One or two of you may have noticed that I didn’t write anything yesterday?
It wasn’t for the lack of material. We just had a rather nasty budget that only had one really sensible item in it – no increase in the price of my baccy. We are still suffering an abnormal cold spell and the country is gearing up for a general election which should provide some material for the future. To be quite honest, I just decided I couldn’t be arsed.
Anyhow, I noticed a distinct silence in response to my own silence. Not a fucking whisper out of anyone. Not a peep from a single sinner to enquire after my health and well-being. Thanks for that.
That doesn’t bother me, to be honest. I can survive for a day or two without the adulation of my fan.
But it did get me thinking though….
One of these days, I’m not going to write. You lot will sit complacently on your arses and you’ll wait for the following day. And the next day. And the next.
But the site will remain unupdated. [I like that word]
And the reason it shall remain unupdated [I still like that word] is that I shall have popped my clogs. I shall have bought the farm. I shall have kicked the bucket. As Monty Python would say – I shall be an ex-Grandad.
The thought of that day doesn’t bother me at all. After all, I shall be beyond caring anyway. But what will happen to this site?
It is quite an interesting question, when you think about it. No one has the passwords to it so no one can make a grand announcement. It shall remain languishing in a state of suspended blogification. My last post will remain just that – the last post.
What will happen to the site? Shall it just remain there as a testement to a bygone genius? Shall it be used in the English Departments of the world’s universities? Will my grandchildren point it out to my great grandchildren and say “your great Grandad wrote that”? Will they even nail a placard onto the front of the site saying “Grandad lived here”?
Who will own it? This is an important point as the film rights could be substantial. Several other “blogs” have been made into films, so why not this one? Will it become the property of the hosting company? Should I mention it in my will?
After all my efforts, it would be a shame if someone just casually pressed the Delete key.
Wouldn’t it?
Where are the comments ?
Heh! This is fucking confusing.
As far as I can work out, the next post I did overwrote this one. It therefore grabbed all the comments as well. I restored this post, but all the comments for it are under the other one, and I couldn’t be bothered working out which comments belong to which post and I would probably muck up the database anyway.
Bollox! Now I’m even more confused.
Hosting comes to mind, specifically who gets access to renew it (if anyone)?
You’ve got some clever minded regular followers. Perhaps you might be looking toward one of them being interested in Head Rambles post Grandad. It would never be the same of course but someone like minded and irky might be able and willing to carry the torch. It would be a shame to let it fade away.
Not to worry, son.
I PROMISE that once word of your ex-Grandadness reaches my ears, I shall promptly hack your site and turn it into a shrine honoring…well, something worthy.
Sorry I’m late. Not to worry lad, I’ve got good news for you and all of mankind. Even if you were to be clapped in irons, hooded and disappeared and your blog banished to the memory hole, your words will survive.
Grandad archive
The folks at have got your back. Over to you, Grandad.
The bastards!! Nothing after April 2008? Useless shower.