Holiday time again
I really hate Winter.
I hate the cold, the dark, the damp and the dreariness of it all. And it’s even worse outside.
At this time of year, when it is fucking miserable outside, I find it very hard to believe that a mere six months ago I was wandering around in short sleeved shirts and rubbing sweat out of my eyes. After all, at half four in the afternoon I would expect at least a further six hours of daylight if this were June. But it isn’t and I’m sitting in the dark and all wrapped up against the chill.
I need something to cheer me up.
I need a holiday.
It is, after all is said and done, six months since my last one. We made a big mistake this year with our holidays. We went in June. I grant you it was a good holiday, with lovely weather and all that, but it meant that when we came back we had the long haul into Winter and a longer haul to Spring to look forward to. That is not good. In previous years we took our holidays in September which made the Winter much shorter.
The problem is that I now need a holiday, and I doubt I can last through to next September so I’ll have to book for June again. And that means we will have the same problem as we had this year.
Herself wants to go back to France as she likes the warmth. I fancy another break in Cork because they speak my language.
There is only one solution.
Cork in June and France in September.
I like the sound of that.
Pray, exactly what are these “Holiday” things .. of which you speak Grandad ?
Only one place to go, Grandad. Prague ( Summer or winter, don’t matter. They don’t force you outside there. 😉
Captain H – do you remember lying in the street outside the “Fawcett Inn” in Southsea having imbibed a goodly amount of Pusser’s finest? Then telling the young naval provo to fuck off back to his mother? You do? Well a holiday is like that … only longer.
“C” .. you know me far better than I’d previously suspected .. (which in itself is somewhat worrying) ..
I used to live in Fawcett Road, Southsea .. and used to drink in the Fawcett Arms .. In fact, I had my “Stag Night” in there (amongst other places) .. Lol
I married a Southsea girl (but that’s another dit) ..
I do, albeit dimly .. have recollections of these “Holiday” thingies ..
It was 1997 .. the year of our Silver Wedding .. we went to Lake Garda ..
But due to other constraints .. I haven’t had one since .. ROFL …
Captain, be not alarmed! My parents used to live in Tel. Rd (staggering distance from the Force it Inn) and I met up with a couple of lads from Eastney one never to be forgotten night. If MGRM had heard of their suggestions viz. his immediate future he would have had the vapours…
Murphy’s in June and red wine in September – wonderful
“C” .. any scurrilous stories which you might hear about Royal Marines Barracks, Eastney, a Chief Petty Officer Wrens, a Ladies pedal cycle & a tin of Swarfega .. are a tissue of lies ..
It was all an innocent mistake (that was my defence & I’m sticking to it) … 😉
I really hate winter too,GD.
We expect to hear happy news soon of the engagement between Caratacus and Haddock. 🙂
Dick – They speak a foreign language there too, don’t they? And even worse it’s more of a foreign language than French.
Cardi – Still not too sure about Murphys. However I’m prepared to drink it if it pleases the natives.
TT – You astonish me. Something else we agree on? [Can you remind me what the other thing was….?]
Sorry to disappoint Grandad – I couldn’t be gay. Couldn’t cope with rejection from men as well as women…..
The only item I recall us agreeing on is when you once wrote that the west bank should be the Mediterraneum Sea and I reluctantly agreed.