
Letter to Biffo — 10 Comments

  1. yeah well done biffo now i am thinking to make my already tight budget go far and these cuts have not helped. god i might have to move abroad if this is the case.

  2. Vicky – That’s the whole idea.  If you are not a banker or a builder, then fuck off.  We don’t want you.  That especially applies to the unemployed and the disabled.

  3. I am sick and I have to go to a job interview and then go see my parole officer. Computer virus from GD ? Thanks a lot old man.

  4. Also please extend my added congratulations to BIFFO’S  mates  IBEC  (Irish Bastards for Economic Contraction) for the huge engineered swell of media support in past week that helped him ram through the fuget.

  5. The FFers were elected by the people…
    Don’t blame the dog if you trod in it – your fault

  6. King’s Bard – They morally lost that mandate in the local elections and in every opinion poll since.  They know they don’t have a mandate, but haven’t the moral courage to stand down.  Power is more important than morals.

    Baino – Loads of reading matter for you!

  7. Soon we will have to pay the government every year for the privilege of being allowed to live in one’s own house.

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