How to keep out a Jehovas Witness
Sarlat is an amazing town.
The entire place has been preserved as a medieval town, yet far from being a museum piece, it is a thriving place, bustling with activity from early morning through to very late at night.
It is a nightmare of a place for anyone with a camera, for the simple reason that you donât know where to turn next. In Sarlat, the camera rules supreme.
They also make bloody good coffee.
There is one feature of Sarlat though that has always intrigued me.
Those doors.
To be honest, a camera doesnât do them justice. They are the biggest fuck-off steel doors I have ever seen.
Apparently, they are over fifty feet tall and each one weighs over 8 tons. Sixteen fucking tons of door.
They remind me of that monolith in â2001 â A Space Odysseyâ â you look at them but you donât see anything, because they are vast sheets of grey, with no features to focus on.
I have seen them when they are open and I have seen them when they are closed, but I have never seen them being opened or closed. They donât have handles or keyholes, but then I suppose you would need a forklift to carry the key?
Iâll say one thing for them though.
I would love to see a Jehovaâs Witness try to get past them.
I would love to see a Jehovaâs Witness try to get past them.
Classic, bloody classic.
When I was there they were wooden doors. I’snt the church an indoor market now ?
Whoops! Isn’t.
BigYin – Come to think of it – I would love to see anyone try to get past them. I don’t even know how they manage to open the fucking things.
TT – It is indeed. So you were here? Why didn’t you wait around? We could have had coffee.
“Sixteen Fucking Tons of Door”.
Well, there’s my next novel title. Gorgeous!
Susan – Do I get a cut of the proceeds on the basis of intellectual copyright? 😉  Damnit but I haven’t even got a working title for my current Magnum Opus!!
Don’t underestimate the JWs. They’ll knock on the windows, rattle the back door, consider the chimney, wait in the bushes for when you come out, they don’t give in so easy.
A friend of ours had a good approach, he invited them in, then talked AT them for about 4 hours – they never came back!
1980. The coffee would have gone cold.
Maybe the doors are to keep the JWs in.
All nice sandstone, Sarlat.
Magic words, Grandad.
Mick – I never underestimate the JWs. My father taught me how to deal wth them!!
TT – We could have ordered new ones. People are so impatient these days.
Ian – Thanks. Not up to my usual standard, but Herself has shared ‘la grippe’ 😐
I for one am very much enjoying your holiday!
Baino – I’m so glad. I’ll send you the bill for your share of the costs?
Excellent, have put it up on my own with a little addition for the day that’s in it, if that’s OK!
.-= unstranger´s last brainfart .. Munster Rugby Ticket Office Fuck-Up =-.
It’s amazing they could even open the doors back when they were first built. Weren’t people shorter back then? Or was it the attitude?
Kirk M – It’s possible that the doors were only eight foot originally, but someone made the mistake of spraying fertiliser on them?
Must have been good fertilizer then since they’d have to grow the church in order to fit the doors?