Democratic science
In the comments on this site yesterday, TT suggested that I was âanti-scienceâ.
Considering that over the past years I have consistently thrown the mockers at Global Warming and the Anti-Smoking crusades, that may appear to be true. In fact, just the opposite is true.
In my school days, one of my favourite subjects was physics. I later went on to study physics as part of my third level course. So while I wouldnât call myself a scientist, I do think I know a little bit about theories and experimentation.
The process in science is quite simple. You formulate a theory, and you then design experiments to test that theory. If the results of the experiment fit in with the theory then you know that you are on the right path, and if they donât then you discard the theory. Simple.
Modern science however takes a different path. You formulate your theory and if the experiment doesnât prove the theory you discard the experiment. The reason for this is simple â modern science is driven by cash and ideology, and has nothing to do with the search for truth and enlightenment.
This distortion of science seems to have become the accepted norm. I have seen advertisements for research where they have gone so far as to state the desired outcome in return for the funding. If you donât find what they want you to find then you donât get the cash. Is anyone going to find other than the desired outcome under these conditions?
In the case of Global Warming, so much has been invested that Global Warming has to be fact. Industries have sprung up on its back, taxes have been imposed and a multi trillion industry has grown. It is inconceivable that Global Warming could be false. Is any government or academic institution going to back research that proves it is false? The fact that many eminent scientists dispute it is hushed up, as it HAS to be true, whether it is true or false.
Similarly the Anti-smoking science has reached the status of a cult religion. To speak out against it is heresy. No doctor in his right mind dare claim that Environmental Tobacco Smoke is harmless despite very strong evidence that it is. Even the World Health Organisation is ignoring its own research and is declaring the argument closed. There is massive funding at stake here both from governments [via so called charities] and the pharmaceutical industry.
Science these days has become a democratic affair. Whether the arguments are right or wrong, what counts is the number of people who believe those arguments. We constantly hear such lines as âthe clear consensus of opinionâ and âthe science is establishedâ. No one dare argue the cases they will be pilloried and ridiculed.
I would just ask you to consider one little fact –
Once upon a time, the Earth was flat and also was the centre of the Universe. That was considered to be an âestablished factâ and to argue against either âfactâ was an act of heresy.
Just ask Galileo.
You go Grandad! That was great and eloquently put. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Here Here or should that be Hear Hear? – Either way well said old man.
Brianf – Thank you Sir. Where do you want me to go?
Dessiegee – I had to look that one up. Apparently it is “hear hear” and it originates in the British Parliament where they would shout “here him, hear him”. You learn something every day here!
“Once upon a time, the Earth was flat and also was the centre of the Universe. That was considered to be an âestablished factâ and to argue against either âfactâ was an act of heresy.
Just ask Galileo.”
So you and this chap Galileo have some other theory then. Heretics the both of you.
I figured that would piss you off yesterday. Today you come out with several wild and ludicrous assumptions or accusations without backing up any of them. Which means you are guilty of what you are railing against. You are in fact a combo of anti science and conspiracy theorist. You are ranting about stuff you know fuck all about. Throw in religion and you would have it all. Love & and; kisses blackballed? tt
In fact Grandad is speaking out against the brainwashed trolls like you that believe the force fed crap that is pretending to be science. Science is only science whilst it can be questioned, The moment someone believes that “The science is settled” is to become a believer in an unproven religion.
Just stand back, do some research of your own.
TT – It didn’t piss me off at all. I only mentioned the comment as it was a good opener for today’s effort. To be honest, I never know when you are serious or not. Assuming you are serious, can you tell me where exactly I have become wild and ludicrous?
Science is not only a democratic affair. It is also a financial affair. Governments and Big Business influence so called Scientific research. Its all about money, like everything else.
As for Global warming, there are many Scientists who will argue for and against this theory.
I think there might be something in the effects of Polar Shift or polar wander.
Just ask a Polar Bear.
Hey retired grease monkey “brainwashed troll am I?” GD can take care of himself so get your rude and insulting tongue out of arse.
Nah GD. Too much back and forth detracts.
Way to go, Grandad. I concur, sir. It’s all about the effing money these days. Noetic scientist are more legitimate than the Global Warming touters. Not to say it doesn’t exist. People that tout solar panels should think about the thousands of gallons of chemicals that are used everyday to make them. Not to mention all the chemical waste that ends up in the ground in 3rd world countries.Â
My mind is made up – don’t confuse me with facts!
Slab – I really think it’s about time you had a word with your Shrink? Your obsession with bears worries me.
TT – All part of the cut and thrust of debate?
JD – I suppose the problem started when universities started looking for grants for research. Big Business saw a nice opportunity – we’ll give you your grant but only if we are happy with the outcome. Leastwise I used to have an enormous respect for science and scientists. Not any more though.
Grumpy – That should be the motto for all science now! [*wanders off to change into dry underwear*]
Just watched the morning news. Three items. Record hightemps, 97 here due to climate change,  the one bear story you mentioned the other day and a major traffic jam ‘cos someone hacked a digital road sign ” Raging zombies in one mile” Heh !