I want answers
Tomorrow we are to asked to bail this country out of its economic crisis. A crisis, I may add that is not of our making. We are told we are to expect an extremely tough budget, and the rallying call … Continue reading →
Tomorrow we are to asked to bail this country out of its economic crisis. A crisis, I may add that is not of our making. We are told we are to expect an extremely tough budget, and the rallying call … Continue reading →
I came across a little snippet of news yesterday. Some bloke boldly walked into our National Portrait Gallery and hung one of his own paintings. Apparently this was a well planned operation, as the framing was consistent with the galleryâs … Continue reading →
If I were to avoid tax, I would be heavily penalised. If I were to commit perjury I would probably face a term in prison. But I’m not Bertie. Let’s see what his penalties are going to be……. [These calculations … Continue reading →
There are times, [not often, I grant you] when I am almost at a loss for words. There is an event taking place tomorrow that I frankly find so bizarre that I feel either I am going insane, or else … Continue reading →