I have been keeping a wary eye on this "Reboot Ireland" thing.
I am still somewhat baffled as to what it's all about.
What I have learned to date is that it has aspirations to become a political party yet has no policies, agendas or manifestos.
It doesn't even have a name.
I have seen a few names suggested [one of my favourites being "The Regressive Democrats"] and frankly the public's suggestions have been far from complimentary. Personally I would suggest they call themselves "Fine Fail" which I think would nicely sum up their destiny which will be just a rehash of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael tactics philosophies and methods, and also sums up their progress to date?
I have real concerns about this mob.
One is the sneaky tactics behind their website. Apparently [though I haven’t tried this for myself] if you opt to "Get involved" or "Become a candidate" their site automatically bangs out a tweet to the world in your name –
I've just signed up to #RebootIreland because I want to create a new Irish political party. Join me to Learn More. rebootireland.com
I would imagine a lot of people ar following the "Get involved" link just to find out more about what they're at, yet Eddie Hobbs is taking this as being "support in the thousands". I would suggest to Eddie that people who are "joining" or who are "voluteering to become a candidate" are either just curious or doing it for the laugh.
My main concern though is the damage they are going to do to Irish politics. They know damn well that the Irish are sick to the teeth of the established system and are threatening in their droves to vote for independent candidates. They also know that there is public clamour for a new system. They however are interpreting the latter as being a demand for a new party so are creating an empty shell of one in the hopes that people will vote for them in protest to the existing system. They have no need for policies or manifestos – they are just hoping to grab the grudge vote, and my fear is that they may succeed.
Question: What is the difference between Lucinda Creighton, Enda Kenny, Micheál Martin and Joan Burton?
Answer: None whatsoever.
On the bright side, if this non-existent party is elected you might be in the same position as Belgium was recently, with no Government. I hear that the economy did better than when there were politicians involved….
well said that man…
We had that once before – one of the big parties in coalition with a tiny party and a load of independents. It was a disaster and it is exactly what I predict is going to happen next time around.
no Belgium had No government for eighteen months and the sky didn't fall. Iceland too had no government for some months as it cleared out the dross. sadly in both cases government wormed its way back in. Cannot recall the date but a party in Finland got in and dismantled lots of government. Come the next 'election' (government counting votes on who gets in and who doesn't…no conflict of interest there!) they were out in the cold and big government rebuilt itself.
If the reebooters just call it the Non-Party that will go on the ballot papers. Then all the independent candidates, also described as Non-Party, will have an equal shot for votes as the rebbooter Non-Party. Obviously the party political game as played in Ireland since 1922 (or 1926 if you take the founding of Fianna Fail as the Year Zero) has played itself out and a newly designed game is required. I am mindful that in mid-19th century Britain some public schoolboys became disillusioned with soccer; so one day at Rugby School an adolescent lad picked up the ball with his hands and ran with it. Others ran after him and tackled him to stop his advance towards their line. Today we need somebody in politics to think outside the box, grab the ball and run for it.
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately none of the current incumbents are going to do that. The current system is too cushy for them with their fat salaries, expense accounts and whopping pensions. The whole system needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the foundations. I can't see any of the current mob running for that, least of all Creighton.
The American metaphor of Lucinda playing softball while Eddie H and others play hardball comes to mind.
I've just commented on headrambles about #RebootIreland because I want to poke Grandad with a stick. Join me to Learn More. rebootireland.com