I like February.
Or Febry as the RTE newsreaders like to call it.
There is something grey and depressing about January. It drags on interminably and for some reason a lot of bills become due then. Even my car test was due at the beginning of the month but due to an insane backlog the first appointment I could get is mid-summer.
The only good thing about January is that the days are very noticeably longer, by an hour or so in the evening, weather permitting. Lights go on after five instead of at four.
February on the other hand seems a lot brighter, and not lust literally. It’s the month when spring really kicks into gear and Nature knows it. Birds are singing their heads off as they claim various parts of the domain [demesne?] for themselves. In particular the place seems to be a favourite for the Robins – I reckon we are about to host many families and that’s grand. I love their cheerful little song. I’m hoping for a few Blackbirds too so they can whistle their heads off at the tops of the trees.
I noticed the other day that the Daffodils are several inches above ground which is a few weeks early. The Snowdrops of course are in full flower but no sign yet of frogspawn – the frogs are due in the next couple of weeks.
February this year is a little bit of a milestone for me. I won’t say why because I don’t want to tempt fate. I’m not superstitious but….
Anyways, I think I might trot down for a coffee later.as a little celebration
I loathe December and January-they seem to go on for ever and its very uplifting to turn the calendar to February and know that Spring is well on its way.
Things not helped by the fact our once beautiful country now totally buggered where nothing but nothing works and the idiots in charge clueless as to how we are going to get out of the mess they have created.
Have voted Tory every election since I was 18 (now 79) but never again until they recreate them selves as real Tories again-8 years in opposition should do the trick well!
Keep the bloggs coming Grandpa.
There is something strange about the way December and January distort time. There’s something dark and heavy about them.
Things are much the same here in Ireland. There are only two major parties who leapfrog each other into power for the last hundred years. They are supposed to be opposing but in practice have almost identical manifestos. This the, for the first time they admitted they were two cheeks of the same arse and went into coalition. The only viable opposition now is Sinn Fein who have dubious links with the IRA. I have given up voting altogether as frankly it’s a pointless exercise.
A milestone?
The 10,000th visitor sent into the bogs?
Heh! I think the word has spread. It’s a long time since I have been asked for any directions.
February, Candlemas Day, and worrying climate predictions…