The speed of light
I decided to phone Sky yesterday.
There was no particular reason other than my annoyance at paying for a service that provides a cart load of stuff that is useless to me. Herself rarely if ever watches their films which all seem to be aimed at the brain dead, such as Superheroes, Zombies [confirming their brain dead status], Horrors or Teenage RomComs. In other words they are a steaming pile of dung and make no allowance for those of us with a discerning nature.
So I went into Sky’s website to look for a contact number. There wasn’t one. Their support consists of a menu thing where you drill down through a series of menus until you eventually end up with a series of FAQs, none of which are any help. Leastwise I never found the FAQ that asked “What are you going to do about those of us who dislike the utter shite you call Premiers?”
I eventually decided to try their Messenger service so I clicked on the link. That brought me into Farcebook [yech!] where the little chat thing informed me that Carlos [or Carlo] would be my assistant, but that he was busy and would get back to me in half an hour or so.
So I left Carlos [or Carlo] to finish off his game of “Call of Duty” or whatever and I went about my business.
Now I am not that fond of Messenger or any of those Chat things unless I’m in touch with a friend, and Carlos [or Carlo] hadn’t graduated to that status yet. One of the things I find frustrating is that while I am typing stuff in, I keep getting repeat messages asking if I’m still there. I can’t help it if I’m a slow typist?
Anyway, it occurred to me that I had a series of questions and comments that I wanted to put to Carlos [or Carlo] so I opened a text editor and spent the half hour writing long paragraphs explaining precisely my stance on their crappy service. I even predicted the first question which would be “How may I help you?” so my first paragraph started of with “Hello Carlo [or Carlos] and thank you for helping me. Here is my problem……“. I like to add a touch of politeness at the outset.
It’s amazing how much I can type in half an hour and it afforded me a chance to be precise and eloquent in my messages. I had them all sequenced by predicting in advance what his answers to all by questions would be.
Sure enough, after half an hour or so a message popped up – “Hello. My name is Carlo [or Carlos]. How may I help you?”. I scrolled to the top of my text editor and there was my first paragraph that I wanted to send, knowing that Carlo [or Carlos] should be impressed with my speed of response. I pasted into Messenger and pressed Enter. The fucking thing scrolled like mad and I realised I had accidentally copied my entire opus and had sent it all at once. Woops!
It took a while for him to read it all and to get over the shock of my typing skills but eventually I got a response – “Thank you for your comment. I suggest you contact our Customer Loyalty Department” and he gave me a phone number. He was probably too shaken to deal with me any more and probably needed a stiff whiskey.
I rang the number and got onto a girl. She seemed to be devoid of personality or sense of humour, but I did finally get her to knock around â¬30 off my monthly bill which wasn’t too bad.
I hope Carlo [or Carlos] got over his shock and didn’t need a transfer to the phones.
Sorry Carlo [or was it Carlos?].
There was a time, oh about 10 years back, when ‘Live Chat’ (stress the ‘live’ because often one found one was talking with a computer)was the best way to get quick results from any large company. Nowadays of course most firms that still provide a live chat service do their best to hide it away. Both Amazon and ebay go to great lengths to get you to phone their ‘help’lines…so my first question on getting through to an actual human being on live chat is “Please explain to me why YOU discriminate so against the Hearing Disabled” (stress on the words ‘disabled’ and ‘discrimination’) It is astonishing how few ‘customer service agents’ realise that old deaf gits like me would rather not ‘just ring our helpful team’. It is also quite astonishing how quickly that intractable problem can be solved after they have heard the word ‘discrimination’…and if that doesn’t do the trick then I mention that their unreasonableness means I shall have to take more major anti-depressants. That rarely fails….but if it does though then I have to roll out the Nukes…’is it because I’m female,did you miss the ‘ne’ on the end of my Christian name?’
Alternatively, open up with “English I speak not” and then go into a string of gobbeldygook just to hear the reaction? Of course you are unlikely to get your problem solved but it passes a few minutes of idle time.
Good heavens! You have achieved the impossible. Not only did you actually find an actual number to your service provider but you also managed to knock a decent amount of money off your monthly bill. And I take it you didn’t even have to speak with anyone from India?
I stand (or sit rather) in awe, sir.