
Of noise and nose — 21 Comments

  1. "Yet when darkness comes, she has the strange habit of going out, sitting bang in the middle of the lawn and then throwing barks at the four quarters of the compass."  D'ya think it translates to "Please someone, anyone, get me the fuck outta here !"

    • Could be?  But then why does she hang around when the gate is wide open?  Maybe she's telling the world what a wonderful home she has?

  2. Maybe she thinks she's a wolf – just can't manage a good howl.  Are you certain it is her nose prodding you?

  3. "Yet when darkness comes, she has the strange habit of going out, sitting bang in the middle of the lawn and then throwing barks at the four quarters of the compass"..  I do something similar myself..  when darkness comes, I sit on the lawn, pointing down to the crotch area repeatedly and winking at male passers by, saying "how about it?"   
    She's just horny GD.  She's gone lethargic due to the lack of action.  Definitely.

  4. Some pet dogs are utilitarian (sheepdogs and dogs for the blind), some are watchdogs, some are companions for the elderly and the lonely, and others are yapping toys for children. Other dogs are ornamental. Yet other dogs are just there; their purpose is an existentialist Heiddegerian Dasein. What is your dog for? What are we for, for that matter?

      • As Milligan said, "everyone has to be somewhere".  Choose a life and enjoy it.   Penny has done her bit – she's lovely and does not cause (much) trouble.  Thank your God for such a blessing.  Still worried about the nose prod, though.

  5. You don't know how lucky you are. Our little fucking Pom barks whenever anyone walks through the park, barks if anybody walks on the far side of the main road, and goes absolutely ballistic if there is a knock on the door. For a small maggot of a thing, he has an ear piercing bark and in the summertime, he loses it altogether if birds fly "OVER" our back garden.


    And don't talk to me about the car ……..

    • Hah!  We had a yapper once who used to tear the car asunder.  That is no exaggeration, by the way – she removed the panel off the rear door and ripped the back off the driver's seat.

      She is no more.

      • My teenage daughter once looked after an Alsation.  Left him alone for two minutes while she went into a local shop and found he had literally ate both front seats of her Mini.  Bloody expensive.  And it tried to eat our two cats.  Stick to calm, lazy and beautiful dogs with no thoughts about world domination.

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