A hair of the car
It has been a busy day today.
Just for starters, I had to go out and never mind what the fuck I had to go out for, because it’ none of your business.
When I got home, some weird inexplicable urge took hold of me, but I decided to clean the car. Herself has offered to do it a few times, but I have more respect for my vehicle.
Though I say so myself. I did a grand job. I had forgotten that there were blue carpets. Also the seats look a lot smaller now that the layers of dog-hairs have been peeled off. I was glad I did it though as it was a good chance to unpack the car after our last holidays, back in June or whenever it was. Leastwise it seems like years ago. I had wondered where that pair of boots had gotten to.
Another good reason for doing the car-clean at this time of year is that I was able to dump all the dog-hairs in the hedges. I love the sight of robins, blackbirds and other assorted avians ripping each others’ throats out for the sake of a bit of Sandy-hair. I bet you had forgotten that it’s nest building time?
The whole exercise is a tad on the academic side however.
Only one trip with Sandy and the fucking car will be laden down with dog hairs again.
I’m quite grateful that the three fluffin’ cats cannot and will not travel….saying that we do adventure alot on road trips and it needs shoveling out quarterly
I let my ex clean my car one time.  Now she is my ex.  ‘nuf said?
Cat – It’s a long time since we had any felines around the place, and none of them showed any interest in the car. Sandy, however is different. She gets very iffy if she is left at home and even demands to drive sometimes. She also happens to be a VERY hairy beast.
Willie – So you learned the hard way? Heh!
“She also happens to be a VERY hairy beast.” I trust you are refering to Sandy here.
TT – I was. But now that you mention it…………..
The dog hates the car…..but the three cats love it and take up residence whenever they can. They don’t much care for travelling in it though, it’s usually means a visit to the vet’s!