Political correctness is a load of bollocks
Every now and then, someone gets a bee in their bonnet about the number of women in power.
I saw an article in a paper the other day where they are whinging about the lack of women in government in the UK, and we get the same thing over here from time to time.
I am all for equality within reason. If a man and a woman are doing an identical job, then they should be treated equally. I canât see any argument against that. But the Equality Nuts tend to bring the argument too far. There are some things that men do better, and there are some things that women do better.
I am a great believer in looking back to our origins. We started off as cave dwellers, where each gender had a specific function. The men were designed as hunters and protectors, and the women were designed as child bearers and nurturers. That is the way we are physically and psychologically designed.
Men [generally] are physically stronger, faster and more aggressive. They have greater spatial awareness. These are qualities needed to track down and kill their prey and also to defend their territory. Women, on the other hand are more sensitive and emotional. They are more caring and aware of others emotions. These are the qualities of a mother and carer. Iâm not just talking about homo sapiens here either â it applies across the species.
So why is it so imperative that women should govern?
I have no objection to women being in power, though our present incumbents would tend to be a very strong argument against that stance. I would go so far as to say that the likes of Mary Harney, Mary Coughlan, Beverly Cooper Flynn and Mary Hannafin are very strong and compelling arguments against allowing women into power. They are fucking useless. Iâm not saying the men are any better, but they are certainly not worse.
Now the Brits are actually mooting the idea that laws should be enacted compelling women only candidates. That is the greatest load of bollox I have ever heard [maybe the wrong expression, but you know what I mean?]. Why should a vagina be the qualification for a good representative?
In the past, I have had the misfortune to work for a couple of female managers. They were a disaster. The worst aspect was that if anything went wrong, their immediate response was not to solve the problem, but to burst into tears and start ranting at everyone around them. Very fucking helpful. I have had a few crap male managers too, but I never saw one cry.
The world is going to hell in a handcart.
Iâll tell you one thing though –
If they do insist on all female representatives, I will still reserve the right to call them a shower of cunts.
Qualified to lead?
You’re my favourite grandad ever!
.-= Martin´s last brainfart .. Geboortekaartjes =-.
so you like skinny birds, I see
.-= kerryview´s last brainfart .. How to Recognise a Sub-Saharan African in Ireland =-.
shower of cunts…do you mind if i use that one too? i like it very discriptive of my workplace
I don’t care what anybody says, I don’t believe Mary Harney’s a woman. In fact, I’m not even sure it’s human.
.-= not twitter´s last brainfart .. Asking the coin =-.
Ahead of you here in British Columbia – we have a party that will only put forward women candidates in certain ridings, to try and equalize the number of men vs. women on the ballot and therefore elected. Now, being a woman, I do think women deserve equality, but then so do men. How can women argue for equality and then think that they should be given “extra help” i.e. positive discrimination? That is hardly fair. Quite frankly, I don’t care about your gender, the colour of your skin, etc etc, I just want the best person for the job, bollocks or no bollocks.
.-= Gromit1469´s last brainfart .. Nerd Alert! =-.
I don’t mind people of either sex doing whatever jobs, as long as they’re competent at it.
what annoys me is the impression that given two job applicants, male and female, where the male has a little more experience, the female will sometimes be chosen because to choose the male would somehow be discriminatory.
@not twitter – one word: Vogon
.-= Kae Verens´s last brainfart .. win a copy of jQuery 1.3 With PHP =-.
Well GD you certainly pushed the boat out on that one. Back on form today. Men and women cave dwellers were “designed?” By whom? I swear, if you don’t get a ton of shiit from your female fans for today’s rant…….. Well commenters are pretty much grovelling sychophants by nature. You might get away with it. Anyhoo it’s the twelth. Off to parole.
As soon as I sent this off today, there was a fucking blizzard and I lost contact with the outside world again!! So, time for a bit of catchup……
Martin – You are my favourite [virtual] grandson. I’m afraid Laughingboy has to take the #1 spot. Does that mean I’m about to become a Great Grandad?
Kerryview – Skinny? Well rounded? Who cares so long as the right bits are in the right places?
Cat – Feel free. It’s not a word I use often, but occasionally it’s called for.
Not Twitter – I don’t think there is a soul on earth brave enough to investigate.
Gromit1469 – I agree entirely. Ability should be the only qualification. Race, colour, gender or creed have fuck all to do with it.
Kae – Precisely. Posivive discrimination is just as bad as discrimination in that gives a false imbalance of abilities.
TT – Designed by whom? Take your pick – God? Nature? Evolution? Don’t get all philosophical on me now. My commenters are a lovely lot, but they can think for themselves. They only agree with me because I have my finger on the pulse! 😉
I thought you had served your sentence?
I prefer the example of a pride of Lions wherein the male hangs out all day impregnating the females and then sending them out to hunt for food while he has a smoke and a nap. Then when the ‘ladies’ catch some food for dinner he ambles over and gets the first choice.
.-= Brianf´s last brainfart .. Kittens =-.
Things in the UK are getting pretty desperate on the equality issue. We had a notorious arsehole called Hazel Blears asked by a journalist what caused the credit crunch and she replied that if there had been more females involved in the city it wouldn’t have happened.
She seemed to be unaware that the most senior banking advisor to the Cabinet Office since 2006 was a woman, ex-Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse bloody non-dom who also managed not to notice £5million going missing from her personal bank accounts (her PA was embezzling it).
There was no shortage of females either on the Northern Rock board or in the other banks that went bad.
Thats the level we are at with female ministers in the UK- Harriet Harperson is a running joke, Jackie Smith another one who reaches for the gender stick every time she’s asked a question to which she doesn’t know the answer (lied her head off during a debate on trafficking and prostitution ‘80% of prostitutes are trafficked’ says the brave Jackie only to be told by the English Collective of Prostitutes she was talking made-up bollocks).
The best bosses I’ve had have been female and any one of them would turn over these rubbish examples of women who’ve made a career out of a background threat of suing for discrimination.
As for Mary Coughlan ..? Well what a fucking boost that was to female empowerment.
Wed. a.m. FYI Parole follows jail time.
I really thought you would have been bomb blasted for that post. Didn’t happen. No villagers at your gate with stakes and torches. Oh well. Sleep in again today?
Brianf – I must have been a lion in a previous life? It sounds familiar.
Cap’n – I think Mary Coughlan is precisely the standard of representative we would get as a result of positive discrimination. God help us all.
.-= Grandad´s last brainfart .. The best laid plans =-.
TT – After the last massacre, no one dares mess with Grandad.
That’s Hawt! Oh, you’re orating about PC for PC’s sake, instead of the woman in her birthday suit. 🙂
A job should be given on merit, skills ascertained for the job, and experience in the field. A job should not be handed out on the basis of age, race, or gender. But that’s just my wee opinion.
I’ve worked for several women and thoroughly enjoyed my time under their management. I tend to get away with more while working under women. 🙂
JD – So we agree? I’m glad you enjoyed your time under your various women too.
I am a girl, how DARE you be so insensitive to allowing equality into our society…
Ha not really, I’m a dude. Someone asked me a feminism question recently though which you might like to see:
she wanted to know why men hate equality and why there was problem with her wanting 50% of all engineers, presidents and company executives to be female.
(I said:) I don’t think most men have a problem with ‘equality’ but with ‘feminism’ (not its literal meaning but what the term has become associated with).
Men tend to associate ‘feminism’ with ‘political correctness’ in circumstances which aren’t always practical or just daft. For example, men are physically stronger to fight on the front line in the army than women. If life’s are at risk then having half men and half women for the sake of ‘equality’ is unnecessary. Similarly men might find multi-tasking in a different job more difficult in comparison to a woman.Â
Why do you want all jobs to be shared right down the middle? Most people chose a job based on their own interests and technically a woman can chose whatever job she wishes to. Women can not be discriminated against for her sex (fighting on the frontline for the army is an exception, although not the army itself).Â
There are plenty of women running companies, although one reason there is more men might be that women bare children. Looking after a child in the early stages of their lives is more important than any ‘career’. It’s actually become a modern trend for women to have children late in life to further their careers, which is very bad for their health.Â
In short people the people who are chosen for jobs should be those who are best suited to it- irrelevant of what sex, skin colour, race, religion they are. ‘Feminism’ on the other hand pressures people to employ someone based on their sex, which is the opposite of ‘equality’.
Welcome Sam! I could not agree more. Quite frankly, if I were a woman [which I’m not..] I would be more than insulted to discover that I had attained a post because of positive discrimination. Would you be happy in a job knowing it was your gender that got you there and not your abilities?
I completely agree that people, whether male or female should be assigned to posts according to their knowledge, experience and suitability and it shouldn't be governed by some law. But the truth is that a lot of the time, a man will be given a position over a more qualified female just because he's a man and that somehow makes him more competent to do the job! And on top of that, he will still get paid more than a woman! On the other hand, there are certain jobs where women would get priority over men – where being a female is an asset (if you catch my drift). I don't care for more women in power, just give me the same wage and fair opportunities.
This is going back in time a bit!
While I fully support equality, what I decry is Political Correctness. The whole concept of enforcing a a gender ratio is insulting to both men and women. By implication it means women will get jobs purely on the basis of gender rather than ability.