
The best laid plans — 12 Comments

  1. TT – An Irish spring isn’t much different.  Now you know I wasn’t having a lie in today 🙂

  2. I would have loaned you the fur coat, but alas it’s seen better days. Come to think of it you could probably pimp your way to a small fortune wearing it, smok’n the smokeless pipe, with a glass of the swill in hand, and that blonde thing on your arm. I’ll just throw it in himself’s (what carries the “American Tourist” sign) bag.
    .-= Brighid´s last brainfart .. FUR FLYING =-.

  3. The temp rose to a lovely 9°C today. I almost changed to a t-shirt and shorts. Compared to the -10-15°C temps we’ve been having, it’s quite warm. You and the Missus stay warm.
    .-= Jefferson Davis´s last brainfart .. Lady in Black =-.

  4. Mick – Why?  Is she good at making tea?

    Brighid – So let me get this right – I wear a mink coat, with a blonde on one arm and Himself on the other, with a pipe in my mouth and a glass of The Hard Stuff grasped somewhere?  To be honest, it’s the kind of thing you’d see in the village any day of the week.  Send Himself over [and tell him not to forget the coat].

    Manuel – Are you casting nasturtiums at out Minister for Education?  He’s just a typical mis-cast minister.  In the space of two days, he managed to throw our entire school system into chaos.

    JD – Actually, we are supposed to be getting 9°C tomorrow.  That is when the entire country is going to disappear under melt-water!

  5. Not Twitter – The fucking thing is clapped out.  I think the dynamo is broken too.

    Mick – Nice, but looks expensive?  I’m on a pension, you know?

  6. Hermia – Welcome!!  :)  I wouldn’t say everything.  Have you ever tried curing tuberculosis in a badger?  Tea doesn’t work very well there.

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