The best laid plans
It just goes to show that you can never plan ahead.
I suppose Bat OâKeefe knows what Iâm talking about?
Yesterday morning, the thaw set in with a vengeance. The snow was clearing off the lawns and the place was beginning to look like itâs old scruffy self again.
At three in the afternoon, it began to snow. And when I say snow, I mean a fucking blizzard. The first casualty was my broadband. Fucking thing just went dead. By nightfall, which was only a couple of hours later, we had about four or five inches.
Then the satellite television went.
Then the power went.
Fuck that. I went to bed with a candle and a bottle of whiskey.
I got up this morning, gagging for a cuppa to find there was still no power. Fucking hell!! No kettle. No heating. No fucking nothing. I dragged out the old camping stove to make my cuppa but found it was out of gas. That really made me see red. The fucker was only 35 years old and it was out of gas already!
Anyway, this afternoon, the power came back. Half my trees are down, a couple of phone lines were down and the hedges are wrecked. The place is in a state of chassis but at least I am beginning to thaw out and I have my mug of tea.
Now I am going to relax and read all my emails that have been waiting since yesterday.
Both of them.
Roll on Spring, eh?
TT – An Irish spring isn’t much different. Now you know I wasn’t having a lie in today 🙂
Should have kept that blonde to hand!
.-= Mick´s last brainfart .. Fastnet Line â The Julia =-.
I would have loaned you the fur coat, but alas it’s seen better days. Come to think of it you could probably pimp your way to a small fortune wearing it, smok’n the smokeless pipe, with a glass of the swill in hand, and that blonde thing on your arm. I’ll just throw it in himself’s (what carries the “American Tourist” sign) bag.
.-= Brighid´s last brainfart .. FUR FLYING =-.
Bat O’Keefe, sounds like a cartoon bady ….seriously…
.-= manuel´s last brainfart .. Total Recall =-.
The temp rose to a lovely 9°C today. I almost changed to a t-shirt and shorts. Compared to the -10-15°C temps we’ve been having, it’s quite warm. You and the Missus stay warm.
.-= Jefferson Davis´s last brainfart .. Lady in Black =-.
Mick – Why? Is she good at making tea?
Brighid – So let me get this right – I wear a mink coat, with a blonde on one arm and Himself on the other, with a pipe in my mouth and a glass of The Hard Stuff grasped somewhere? To be honest, it’s the kind of thing you’d see in the village any day of the week. Send Himself over [and tell him not to forget the coat].
Manuel – Are you casting nasturtiums at out Minister for Education? He’s just a typical mis-cast minister. In the space of two days, he managed to throw our entire school system into chaos.
JD – Actually, we are supposed to be getting 9°C tomorrow. That is when the entire country is going to disappear under melt-water!
It’s been cold for weeks. You’ve had plenty of time to get the old girl on an exercise bike hooked up to a dynamo.
.-= not twitter´s last brainfart .. Don’t tell her I said so =-.
ok, take her back and get one of those ‘kitchen trained’ versions!
(talk about awkward!)
Not Twitter – The fucking thing is clapped out. I think the dynamo is broken too.
Mick – Nice, but looks expensive? I’m on a pension, you know?
Tea makes everything better.
.-= Hermia´s last brainfart .. I would be slightly tempted to kill for these shoesâ¦. =-.
Hermia – Welcome!! :) I wouldn’t say everything. Have you ever tried curing tuberculosis in a badger? Tea doesn’t work very well there.