Well, here I am
Well it looks like the dust is beginning to settle.
I started at eight, yesterday morning.
âNo bother,â says I. âI have all day to copy a couple of sites. How hard can that be?â
I had not allowed for the extremely weird control panel I had been presented with, for a start. Whoever designed that did so with a logic that defies gravity. Nothing is where you would expect it to be. There is a myriad of menus that all lead around in circles and they all look the same but arenât. Have you ever been in Hampton Court Maze? Thatâs what it was like.
After an hour or two, I managed to set up a blank area to take this site. Great! Now my problem was how to copy the old site across. You see, you canât just copy the old site onto a PC and then copy them up to the new one â it just doesnât work. The new site will just start looking for bits on the old server or something and will start crying. I hate that.
I had to create a new site from scratch and then just copy the relevant bits across. But what are the relevant bits?
Then there is the database. Fuck me, but itâs big. And when the new site has a file limit of 5 Megathingies, it is too big. So I had to chop the database into little chunks and copy them all across in little bits, and I had to be very careful to keep them in the right order. Otherwise you would find your comments coming out your ears.
I managed it in the end.
Even then I had complaints from a few people that they could only see things up to last June, but I could see everything so it that a case of tough shit!
I think itâs all working now. I donât think I lost anything and I think everything is in the right order.
It actually seems a bit faster now, but that will doubtless change.
I still have a couple of minor details to fix.
And of course I still have a load of other sites to copy.
It is much faster.
Have a well earned smoke and a pint on me.
Maxi – It does seem to be a bit leaner, but is it meaner? Pint and a pipe anjoyed. Thanks very much.
I’d say lean and mean and most all the bits appear to be where they’re suppose to be. Good Job!
Brianf – Even the sidebar is staying where it is when it should [and I didn’t do nuttin’ to fix it!!]. I take it you are seeing beyond Christian Bernaard then?
Yay! The fucking site has even stopped calling me ‘admin’.
It really is fast now, even the comments. Probably as fast as your going to be. Good job.
I think I miss “admin” he was sort of special…
Yep welcome back crankly old bugger. It’s definitely loading nicely and I’m on top of the blogroll so I’m a happy camper! Frustrating I’m sure but worth it in the end. Had a little panic yesterday!
I have been pretty selective when it comes to installing add ons. Basically, if an add on did anthing other than just sit there, I would think long and hard about installing it. It seems to have speeded things up a bit. Or maybe it’s the server. I don’t know.
Brighid – I don’t like titles. Admin had to go.
Baino – Weren’t you always at the top? Or have I forgotten someone who should be at the top?
Ach, if it was easy it would be boring. Nothing wrong with a challenge every now and again
Well done Grandad!!!
Well – I think so anyway – lets see how long it takes my comment to land!!!
not bad although at one point I thought it was going to fall over… it must be me!!!
Kate – It’s a bit early in the day to be falling over? The sun isn’t even over the yardarm yet?
I know but I’m having a difficult day!!!!
Well done sir. Nice job all around and the posts whilst all the moving about was being accomplished were highly entertaining and easily related to I might being a mover of sites myself. It was very refreshing to just sit back for once and think happily; “Glad it isn’t me this time” (said with all empathy I can muster).
.-= Kirk M´s last brainfart .. Contrary to popular beliefâIâm normal. =-.
Er, it might be a bit too “after the horse has bolted”, but if you ever have to transfer a MySQL database manually, look for a (free) script called “Bigdump”. It automatically splits your database into manageable, bitesize chunks. I used it a lot and never had a problem.
But, as you say, the site does indeed feel faster, so you might never need it…
Scribbler – It’s never too late [you never know when the horse is going to bolt again?]. Thanks for that, even if it does sound like the aftermath of a good Gunness/Vindaloo night?
Haha, yes, its name is a tad suggestive of a (well, my) typical Friday night / Saturday morning scenario. I’d google it carefully, though a quick search will point you in the right direction. Trust me, there’s no need to click “Image” search.