It’s Chicken Little time
The Irish are worried that the sky is falling down.
They have done one of their surveys, presumably by annoying people by cold calling them.
It found 95% of people are aware of climate change, while 89% say it is important to them personally.
I’m surprised that 5% aren’t aware as they have been banging on about it for years. The propaganda must be working well though with 89% taking it personally. I’m not quite sure what that means though.
While 96% of people say they have heard of the “greenhouse gas effect”, only one out of every 20 were able to distinguish between that effect and other environmental topics such as acid rain or the ozone layer.
More people have heard of the “greenhouse gas effect” than are aware of climate change? Or is it 96% of the 95%? Statistics can be devious little fuckers. Anyhows I thought they had given up wiffling about acid rain and the Ozone Layer? I haven’t heard mention of them in years.
There seems to be a lot of worrying going on though. 74% are worried about storms and 54% are worried about heat? Why would anyone worry about either? Unless your house is built on a sandstone cliff edge or live in a house built on a floodplain [there are quite a few of them] then I can’t understand why storms should be a worry. We have had storms for as long as I can remember. And if it’s too hot then just stay indoors.
The survey also found that four out of every ten people think, incorrectly, that climate change is caused equally by humans and by nature.
What’s the “incorrectly” here? What’s the right answer? Surely they can’t be admitting that it’s [correctly] caused just by nature?
It’s good news though that people might be worried but they don’t like paying for their worry.
41% say that they are now opposed to increased taxes on petrol and diesel, while half the people surveyed are against banning peat, coal, and oil for home heating.
Half the people surveyed are against banning peat, coal, and oil for home heating? That means half are in favour of banning them?
Now I’m worried.
Surveys are very much influenced by the phrasing of the question asked.
Am I worried about climate change? Yes but only because of the taxes, costs and inconveniences it is bringing: its actual effects will probably be minor.
Half the people use gas or electricity for home heating so it is not that they want peat, coal or oil banned but that they donât care if they are.
Q1. Are you worried about climate catastrophe a) a little, b) a lot, c) you’re shitting yourself.
Q2. If electricity was free would you be in favour of banning oil, turf and coal?
The 5% are people like me, who are worried about the 95 % who are worried…
Word of this better not get out.
The next headline will be…
“According to the latest survey 100% of those surveyed are worried about climate change!”
We haven’t heard about acid rain lately, incidentally, what do acid rain and monkeys have in common? They both fuckup trees. Sorry about that, it’s the best I can do, I am a brain transplant donor. Keep up the good work Grand-dad, always an enjoyable read.