
Aftermath — 11 Comments

  1. Project Fear is well and truly here to stay, it seems.
    I’m really not sure why, but it does appear there is a section of the population who can be made compliant and easily controlled if they are kept in fear – of a bug, a war, a storm, climate change, etc. I’m not sure at what point, or why, we all seem to have lost all resolve and fortitude.
    That these predicted catastrophes seldom emerge, if ever, to be as bad as painted, even if they exist at all, doesn’t seem to occur to the two-bit officials promoting them, and their instruments of delivery (the media, the met office etc.).
    Surely they must know the parable of ‘the boy who cried wolf’?

    I don’t see it ending well, tbh. There, surely, will be a reckoning….

    • It’s the assumption that we have no common sense. Don’t think for yourselves – let your government do the thinking for you.Sadly this seems to be a rising trend, with the recent virus being a good example. Our lot here recently set up a [crap] website telling us how to raise our kids. How on earth did we manage without them for the last many thousand years?

  2. “How on earth did we manage without them for the last many thousand years?”

    We didn’t need them, we had parents that didn’t need a damned book (of course dad would have asked ‘what the hell is a website?’) and all in all, it worked fairly well.

    I’m going to follow that link. I could use a bit of levity this morning.

  3. “Storm Jocelyn”

    Sooner or later the weather folks are going to smack into a brick wall when they run out of names. Start tossing a numerical value in there. (Hint to the weather people…you will never run out of numbers.) the next big blow can be “Alvin-1”.

  4. Patience Dear Grandad, patience

    Patience is only six storms away – so a week next Tuesday.

    I suspect Our Beloved Governments™ are aching to compel us to Stay Indoors™ whenever there is a Named Storm™ and this is why they invented them. It will be to save the NHS and flatten the curve. Or something.

    Happy New Year to you all.


    • Yo DP! What have you been up to since last August? You were missed.

      And a Happy New Year to you too [or whats left of it].

      • Ah Mr Trump!

        Not been up to much, Grandad. A fair bit of time spent looking after houses and dogs and other animals in various parts and visiting relatives in other parts, including meeting distant cousins for the first time and attending a Big 0 birthday party (in a brewery, where else?) for one nephew.

        I (almost) always read your posts. I don’t generally comment unless I think I have something useful or witty to say which hasn’t already been said by other readers.

        Have fun!


  5. A little rougher in the wilder west, but not that ‘devastating’. Power cut for 30 hours. A few trees and telegraph poles down. A few loose slates dislodged on an old shed. A storm, but not the end of the world.

    Raining. Again.

    • Yes. I read your account of it. My sympathies. Just think of those 30 hours as good practice for the not too far off future.

      And you should have chosen the east. The west nearly always gets the worst of it.

  6. The cover blew off my barbeque during the terrible storm. It was the worst thing to happen in our garden since the terrible flood that washed away 2 garden gnomes.

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