
Giving bad advice — 14 Comments

  1. Everest would never have been scaled by men in wollen trousers and hob-nailed boots if it wasn’t for nutters like this.
    Enough already of trying to turns us all into sheeple.
    Talking of which I was out walking my old mutt yesterday in the local stately home fields – hundreds of acres where huge numbers of sheep roam and do their business – when in the middle of it all I saw some half-wit pick up his dog’s shite with a plastic bag and carry it off with him like a prized trophy.

    • Welcome Professor! Maybe Yer Man was making a collection to post to his favourite local representative?

      • Actually, he did right, when most people don’t.
        The shit of carnivores, including us, can contain many poisons, bacteria, and worms, not least the one that causes blindness if it gets in the eye. Herbivore shit isn’t as toxic, apart from worms. That’s why we spread it on the land as fertilizer, but not human shit, until it’s processed (or when the water companies think they’ll get away with it!)

  2. Talking of which …

    ” Ireland’s greatest natural resource of all: sanctimony. If this were extractable and sellable, Ireland would be the moral Qatar of the world, and any country that felt it was deficient in holier-than-thouness could buy all it needed on the Irish commodities market. No matter how much was piped into the sanctimony-tankers berthing in Dublin from a self-doubting Japan or an anguished Italy, there would be an endless supply of holier-than-thouness gushing from our piety-wells to the rest of a troubled world. ”

    The latest piece from unofficially banned polemicist Kevin Myers.

    • Myers is a good writer and should be allowed strut his stuff. So he upset a few people with is articles? Maybe people need to be upset from time to time? I have my own little disclaimer in the links above which sums up my attitude to public musings.

      Incidentally I’m not defending Myers’ thoughts, nor am I a particular fan. I have disagreed with him many times.

      • Me too.
        But there’s hardly anyone writing or broadcasting in the mainstream Irish media that expresses anything other than the Establishment consensus that can be broadly summed up as EU/UK Labour/US Democrats/Catholics/Immigration good v Brexit/Tories/Brits/US Republicans/Protestants the enemy.
        As someone who spent most of his professional life working in the UK media and 20 years living in Ireland with his Irish wife before we both eventually tired of the constant anti-English sentiment and returned to the UK I’m saddened to see genuinely talented writers like Myers denied a platform because of their views.
        It’s unhealthy for democracy particularly in a country where there is no official opposition.
        Fortunately as we’ve seen over the last year or so public attitudes are changing.
        I stood in the bar of my local in Ireland (where they still turn down the TV volume when the UK national anthem is played before the rugby ) a decade ago and said uncontrolled immigration. not matched by spending on infrastructure like hospitals and schools would have a major effect on social attitudes.
        The locals laughed and said fuck off we’re not racist Brits.
        They’re not laughing now.

        • I tend to avoid the news these days apart from a glance around the headlines. Most of my information comes via other sites, but not Facebook! One reason why I tend to be a day or so late with anything. The sites I have listed in my Bookmarks are BBC, RTE, The Journal, Irish Independent [for local news] and Breakingnews. Ironically the last on that list is usually the last to report anything. There is an obvious bias across the board but I notice it’s spreading into general TV broadcasting. George Lee [ex economics correspondent who was excellent during the financial crash but is now RTE’s environment mouthpiece] is my favourite. Virtually any topic has to be twisted to include climate change, whereupon he gets breathless with anxiety and goes a bit red in the face. I have remarked here previously the wonderful political messaging in programmes and advertising – smoking is BAD, we’re killing the planet and we are all mixed race [and so very inclusive].

          Don’t get me going or I will ruin about six months worth of future scribbles.

  3. Most weekends A and E (should be A or E, but I am just a Boolean pedant) waiting rooms are full of DIY, gardening and sports casualties. Fallers from high places and horses, forks through feet, mountain bikers, rugby players, etc..
    Our caring Big Nanny does not issue warnings for them. How callous

    • Ban skiing, boxing, horses, heights of anything above floor level and of course every activity that involves a ball. They’re all potentially lethal. Ironically darts is/are relatively safe. I have never heard of a darts fatality?

  4. If the foolish live long enough they discover that parts don’t heal up as fast as they did in past years.

    • The day I don’t start shuffling as fast as my old legs can carry me when Mrs Professor Pie-Tin beckons me to the boudoir wearing nothing but a come-hither look is the day you can start force-feeding me mushy food.
      Until then I’m going to continue raging against the dying light.
      In the shadow of 70 and we’re off to Thailand next week to sit on a beach,get pissed,smoke dope and talk gibberish until the wee small hours.
      Life and what’s left of it is not worth living trying to game a couple of extra years before someone has to wipe your backside.

      • As my wise old dad used to say, “If you don’t drink, don’t smoke and don’t go with mucky women, you won’t live any longer, it’ll just feel like it”.

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