Budgie Day
The excitement in the air is palpable.
Yes Folks – today is Budgie Day here in li’l ol’ Ireland.
This is the day when our Lords and Masters decide how much they are going to rip us off for in the coming year and in return will pay us back a little in compensation.
The Minister for Money Grabbing is speaking as I write. So far he has talked a lot about tax thresholds, tax bands and tax credits all of which presumably means something to someone.
There is mention of some kind of a hundred billion lump of euros which is like something Norway and Saudi Arabia already have which means it’s grand. Apparently it’s called the Future Ireland Fund. How about a Present Ireland Fund?
He’s waffling on about farmers now. No one gives a shit about farmers. Except maybe farmers?
He’s putting the price of fags and baccy up by 75 cents. Fuck! Bastard. Cunt. He’s going to tax vaping next year.
Now I have to wait to see if he increases my pension. There is a hope that it will just about cover the increase in smokes. The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Back.
One thing that pisses me off is that fags and the like all go up in price at midnight tonight but the bits they are paying back don’t happen until January. Miserable shits.
For the benefit of my foreign friends, a pack of twenty fags will now cost â¬16.75, or about £14.50 or about $17.75. A pack in Vietnam apparently costs around â¬1.20.
I wonder if they post to Ireland?
Heh! Here, fags are £4 for twenty, rolling tobacco £5 for fifty grammes. Purchased on the ‘alternative market’ of course, and possibly of dubious quality – though no one seems to complain. Pity I can’t get pipe tobacco or cigars at this sort of price.
PS. Don’t know prices in Reichsmarks or whatever you blighters use.
Initially, looking at the title to the post, I thought you might be writing about those colorful little birds you keep as pets. Guess I was wrong.
When did I ever write about budgerigars? Though maybe some time in the future?