
Agnes — 10 Comments

  1. An Orange alert? Doesn’t that mean that the dreaded lodges must be moving into Wicklow? That is fearful indeed, and they produce enough bluster and hot air to bring a REAL storm!

    Actually, there are a few storms that you probably would like to know of in advance, like this one in 1839: There was another in 1894 that was almost as bad, but at least by then they were able to document the damage with photos. There are a few details about that one on my blog.

    • The one I dread is when they waen of “yellow snow”. I assume the storms in 1839 and 1894 were part of the Climate Crisis? And everyone has forgotten about Hurricane Charlie back in 1986?

  2. It is not a storm. Wind speeds over 103 of your metric kilometres per hour.
    It is a mild gale. Such as any sailing buff would be pleased with.
    It is a sly scare tactic.
    Before Warble Gloaming Storms were rare. You remember 1953?
    Now multiple “storms” occur so frequently that in the last year we have already run through storms initial letters A to Z, and we have to start again at Agnes.
    So for Storm Agnes best not erect your sun umbrella.
    Just an aside. The naming of these Storms is alternatively Male and Female.
    Wot abart the other 57, or is it 157, genders. The Met Office should be scolded or de-platformed, or something.

    • I was somewhat surprised to see the weather mob stating today that speeds of 117km/h were recorded. 73mph? That’s windy but not as a maximum gust on an offshore island where you’d expect extremes?

      I actually don’t remember 1953. I must have been asleep then.

  3. Ah, a wise man that has a chin strap on his hat. I often wear what we Scots called a fore and aft hat, a tweed thing with a brim of sorts. I lost my first in a gale climbing over a hill in Wales called Tryfan in 1986. I bought a replacement from the wilds of Scotland a couple of years ago. I must fit a chin strap because the awful storms that are coming will once again blow it off my head.

    • I goy myself a Tilley hat a couple of years ago. Wide brimmed but soft with a built in chin strap. It’s great in rain, high wind or bright sunshine. I rarely use the chin strap though and tuck it into the crown of the cap when putting it on.

  4. It seems like the inadequate weather-folk everywhere feel a need to emphasise their position, so create frequent ‘weather-panics’ by dressing up normal weather variations as something terrifying, ideally linking it to ‘climate-change’ too.
    It’s not fooling anyone and, in time, will become like crying “Wolf”, we’ll disregard everything they say because the odds are it’s just more self-aggrandising again.
    Can’t help thinking that replacing them with AI could help to bring some sanity and balance back to the forecasts.

    • I have always had a bit of an interest in the weather [I had a great geography teacher]. A while back I discovered and have done my own forecasting from that [using the same data as the Met Office]. Frequently they warn bout thunder which rarely happens. Their threats of rain are usually just threats. They do persistently dial up the warnings which aren’t warranted. It must just be part of the overall scheme to keep us perpetually frightened of something?

  5. But I’ve been looking forward to the unusual Irish weather phenomenon Stor Magnus. Slovenly radio speakers have a lot to answer for.

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