
The Merry Widow — 6 Comments

    • The chances of her reading this are pretty slim. I don’t know of anyone in the village who reads this. No one has ever walked up to me and asked if I am the author. No squealing fans outside the railings. Anyway I have said that she’s a lovely woman and she could hardly object to that?

      Every time I visit the coffee shop I am presented with a bag of chicken pieces for Penny. They all miss her down there.

  1. How to have the companiable silence of your coffee shop visits destroyed, I hope you can find some way around it. Regarding your 5 star “Rate this” app, whenever I remember i always give your posts 5 stars (naturally). However I have now noted that when I return to your blog the next day I can scroll down to the earlier blogs and give them each another star. Changing pages allows me to do the same thing. So the question is how many stars do you want?

    • Those rating stars are just for a bit of fun. I can theoretically award myself five stars but have never bothered. If you want something to do, I have over 5,600 posts here so you can go back over them and rate them all?

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