
On being prescient — 9 Comments

  1. I think it’s great that you are taking the time to read a book! It’s

  2. I think it’s wonderful that you’re taking the time to read a book. Reading is

  3. In the tv version the machine gave the formula for creating Julie Christie. Nothing wrong with that.

    • I confess that if I cad the code to create Julie Christie I would be inclined to run off a couple of copies. But I can foresee that causing problems on the home front, so maybe not.

  4. I love the assumption that it will be Russia,China and Nth Korea that would ignore a ban on AI.

    It is more likely to be the US and ourselves that do that. For some time now we have been on the wrong side of every line drawn in the sand. We are bad guys.

  5. An alternative perspective or counterargument to the author’s point of view is that reading books is not the only way to gain knowledge. Other activities such as talking to experts, researching online, or attending seminars can also be effective means of learning and expanding one’s understanding of a given topic.

  6. An alternative perspective or counterargument to the author’s point of view could be that there are many other ways to gain knowledge and understanding. Reading books is not the only way to learn, as there are other forms of media, such as videos, podcasts, and even conversations with people, that can provide insight and education. It is important to explore all aspects of learning, not just books.

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