The end of an era?
I joined Twitter back in 2008.
Grief! Fifteen years ago?
Anyhows I joined purely out of curiosity rather than a serious attempt to use it. I prefer my words of wisdom to appear on somewhere solid rather than a fleeting glimpse amongst the crowd so I never took to it.
The one thing I did do was to automatically announce my posts on Twitter in case anyone might be interested. I even had my friendly little vulture on my sidebar in case anyone was interested in my account. I liked that vulture and was sorry to remove him [his name incidentally was Harry].
Suddenly my automatic Tweeting stopped a few days ago. I did some investigating and discovered that Twitter has disabled me! If I want to continue I have to pay for the privilege. They can go fuck themselves. There is no way I am going to pay anything out of my pension to one of the world’s richest arseholes.
So that’s that. Unless they recant and replace the service then that’s the end of my presence there. Bye bye Twitter!
Maybe I’ll replace Harry but only because I like the chap.
He provided a drop of life to an otherwise arid landscape.
Harry’s back. Heh!
Never had any use for Twitter and I still don’t. Besides, I could never figure out how it worked anyway. I did join Facebook way back when, when an old shipmate of mine from my old boat (submarine) emailed me and told me that a lot of my mates were on Facebook. I told Laurie and now were both on Facebook. I rarely if ever post anything myself but I do comment a bit. Laurie however has mastered the thing to a fault and has several friends including family members. I have a sister but she doesn’t understand computers and doesn’t care to learn. But she is a master smartphone user and can’t understand why we don’t have one (and never will).
I could probably count the number of my [non-automatic] tweets on one hand. Facebook is a foreign territory altogether. Herself is the FB expert and her cyber-world starts and ends there. I keep getting emails from FB telling me she has posted something or other.