I thought I was a tad rude yesterday.
Maybe I was a little harsh in my description of the waiting areas in the clinic? As I drove in I mulled this over in my mind. Was I wrong about the blandness of the waiting areas and the fire doors? I decided that I was being too harsh and indeed on arrival I found that in fact my memory was… er… correct.
I took a photograph while I waited.

I actually didn’t spend much time waiting. On arrival a very cheerful receptionist provided me with a face nappy which I put on out of politeness and promptly took off again because it steamed up my glasses so I couldn’t see. The girl looked a little startled but I told her not to worry. I pointed out that she had a mask on and was therefore protected against any lurgy I might be carrying and that if she had the lurgy that I was prepared to take the risk. She looked a little surprised at this logic and confessed she hadn’t thought of things that way.
So I was deposited in a waiting area [one of several identical blips in the side of the corridor].
Almost immediately a lovely brought me into her tiny windowless office – I should add that the only part of the enterprise that has a window of any description is the front door. She stuck my head in a machine that flashed little lights in my peripheral vision [for the uneducated – this is known as a Lateral Field Test]. It’s a very hard process as I always tend to doze off which is tricky as I’m supposed to be clicking a little clicker every time I see a light flash. I think I failed that one on my left eye because my mind wandered more.
Then I was ushered into another cubbyhole office by two more lovelies who poked things into my eyeballs. I passed that test with flying colours.
So I was sent home considerably lighter financially with the delightful news that I will have another visit to endure when the optometrist has had time to examine the results of my tests.
They must love me.
Or my money?
Being the ass that I am at times, I would have moved a couple of those chairs over in front of the fire exit. Not to be contrary mind you; but just to see if the staff members were paying attention.
My home town is a port and we are now experiencing a flood of tourists from the visiting cruise ships.It is amusing and somehow depressing to see how many of them are wandering the streets with masks on.I fully expect to find several collapsed, as most are well overweight and are restricting their breathing in temperatures which are in the high 20s Celsius.
I have also undergone the flashing light test.When I am driving my head is never still as I am checking all round as well as the rear view mirrors.