Dropping the basket that holds all the eggs
There was an interesting little snippet of news over the weekend.
Rather strangely it didn’t make the headlines. Maybe they hoped no one would notice?
Watchdog warns of ‘acute’ risk to security of power supply in Ireland.
At first glance I thought they were talking about the danger of the power companies being hacked [that’s what comes of being an erstwhile geek?] but it’s more serious than that.
In their frantic rush to appease the climate fanatics they are closing down our coal, oil, turf and gas fired power stations. This of course leaves us at the mercy of the wind [and a drop of sunshine]. They take some comfort in the fact that we can always import power from abroad, but then they run into the sticky problem of Brexit and the fact that we would be importing from a non-EU country. There is also the apparently unforeseen potential problem that the UK may need to hold onto its own electrickery for its own needs and may have little or none to spare.
They are frantically pushing us all into just one power source that will drive our cooking, heating, communications and even transport and at the same time are making that power source ever more unreliable. That to me comes across as a damn good definition of insanity.
So what happens when the power goes down? Here at the Manor we have some backup systems which comes from living in the country where we used to get frequent blackouts. We have a Propane gas camping stove which serves us for boiling water but not much else. That’s assuming they don’t ban sales of Propane. We have a couple of oil lamps for lighting. That’s assuming they don’t ban sales of Kerosene. We have one open hearth for heating. That assumes they don’t ban the burning of wood, turf or coal. Actually that last list is heavily under attack at present because all solid fuel is “unsustainable” and is pumping vast clouds of lethal gasses into the atmosphere, according to the “experts”. So we’re okay for short periods but I don’t fancy living under those conditions.
On a larger scale, what happens in the village and the wider community? Presumably cash machines won’t work? Refrigerators and freezers will shut down. If delivery vehicles rely on electrickery then food supplies will come to a halt. Mobile phone batteries will remain uncharged so bang goes communications [with resulting riots by teenagers?]. Most businesses will be forced to close.
Quite honestly if the Green mob carry on and get their way, the future looks bleak. Unless they can build a load of nuclear power stations in a very short time [impossible!] then society is going to reset back to medieval ways.
But it’s all essential “to save the planet”…….
It also leaves you at the mercy/whim/avarice of the electricity maker/supplier, and monopoly suppliers are never a good idea in any market-place – it’s always smarter to have at least two supplier options, keeps them all on their toes and not quite as dishonest.
Shifting everything to electrickery has more flaws than that…with everything electric, and all services Internet based now, just one major Carrington event and we won’t have the knowledge for a medieval society! The best we would manage is a pre-bronze age life.
But hey, look on the bright side; at least the green Ayatollahs will be pleased, eh?
A report here claimed that last weekend during the heatwave, with no windy stuff, the UK grid was importing electrons from Belgium at some ludicrously expensive rate to prevent blackouts in London. So good luck with getting any power from us, our politicians are just as insane as yours. We have just fitted a wood burner in the house and keep our camper van provisioned with water, gas and a well charged battery at all times.
Insane is the word the latest from Wales you can only drive your car at 20 mph.
But it gets more crazy they want cars banned at the week ends.
If you are limited to 20mph, you can’t use the higher gears, so your fuel-use and pollution-output increases. Consistent eh?
Well, we can all take some solace in the knowledge that the Greenies are going to be the same boat as the rest of us.
Kids unable to charge their cell phones. Hell, I’d be willing to pay to see that.