On feeling full
I am a tad puzzled by this refugee business.
Yes, I know there’s a war on. I know some conspiracy theorists claim there isn’t so if so, why are millions of people suddenly running for cover? So on the assumption that the war is real then I can’t blame those people for wanting to get the hell out.
What puzzles me though is why so many would want to come to Ireland. In a reverse situation, if a war broke out here would Ukraine be my first refuge of choice? With all due respect to them, I doubt it. I would be more inclined to head to England [a similar language] or France [with a passable understanding of language and a better climate]. Yet Ukrainians are landing here by the shipload. Tens of thousands already with more to come.
We are told that we may expect up to 200,000 in total. What?
I have no problem with refugees from a war. In my imaginary reverse situation I would like to think that someone would take me and the dog in [with Herself at a pinch]. If I had a spare holiday home I would probably offer it as temporary accommodation, but I don’t. Likewise a spare bedroom. However 200,000 seems quite a lot?
Let’s look at the situation. Ireland has a housing crisis [as usual]. People can’t afford the exorbitant house prices or rents. Families are having to shack up with their parents/in-laws. There is a homeless crisis with many sleeping rough on the streets. So what the fuck is going to happen when we add 200,000 to the problem?
Let’s put that number in context. Wicklow is a large county containing several sizeable towns such as Bray, Greystones, Blessington, Wicklow and Arklow. Skobieville is in there somewhere too. The total population is around 150.000 according to the last census. So if every man woman and child were to move out and the county swept clean, when the refugees moved in there would still be a massive surplus.
Where the hell are they all supposed to go?
Okay, so you’re normal. Its those who claim to understand that worry me – there are lots of them.
Wow Shvatio! Twitchy fingers?
And it’s cold and wet and they don’t want to be here anyway.
The refugee stories have little to do with Ukraine and much to do with ethical posturing and sanctimonious speeches
Agreed Ian, Leaders of any and all countries simply want to be seen as doing something helpful for refugees from Ukraine. If I had any spare cash to bet, I would wager none of them will be opening up a spare bedroom for these folks.
And of course us Irish have to be seen as a beacon of light. It’s all about what the neighbours will think.
Well, if you catch Old Joe in the right mood, he may be willing to loan Ireland the Statue of Liberty for a few years. If you sweet talk him, he may even agree to have the U.S.A pay for shipping.
(Not a big deal, were broke anyway.)
I think the 200,000 number is just some bloviating politicians massive virtue signal. “Hey! look at us we’re much nicer than everyone else!”
It’s just so nauseatingly saccharine.