A very simple question
We have a health visitor who comes once a week on Tuesday at eleven sharp.
She’s a lovely person and we all get on like a house on fire. She has a great sense of humour and is very bright and breezy. The Missus and I have a little test we apply to friendships – could we spend a fortnight with the person in the confines of a caravan. The answer in this case is a [very rare] yes. This I might add is a purely hypothetical test as our caravan days are well over.
So we look forward to the visit, none more so than Penny. Penny is mad about her [it’s mutual] and she always brings a fistful of doggy treats. Penny will greet her at the gate and then go frantic with dancing squeals of joy as they come around to the back door. Mind you, when the visitor is leaving again, Penny will barely open an eye. Once she has received her treat she will lose all interest in you and you can fuck off and leave her alone.
Penny is a dog of simple habits. She likes fairly frequent trips to the garden where she will wander around the lawn, investigate the woods and maybe drop a landmine or two on the gravel driveway to catch the unwary. Once she has done her quiet rounds she will ask to come in to have another nap.
At half ten this morning she got all excited and jumpy and asked to go out. She vanished around the front of the house. I watched her on the security camera and there she was with her nose pressed against the front gate, waiting. I have seen her do this most weeks. Only on a Tuesday. Between half ten and a quarter to eleven. Every time.
How does she know?
All in all, most of the dogs I’ve known are smarter than half of the people I’ve interacted with.
I make this statement in full belief that the half I refer to would probably say the same of me. (But what do they know anyway?)
That is very true. Give me a dog any time.
When I was at Junior School all those many years ago, I had a dog who would sit at the end of the road and wait for me to come home in the afternoon.I went home for my lunch as well and she never bothered then.Her name was Penny too so it must be the name that does it.
We used to have a dog that got excited at the front window when I was about fifteen minutes from home. The weird thing was that I would arrive home at irregular times, sometimes early, sometimes late, but she always somehow knew.
Penny doesn’t work. She pays nowt, and accepts no responsibilities – yet all her needs and demands are met by you, at your expense, often in advance.
Why are you even questioning such an obviously superior being?
Fuck! I’m just a slave then?
What do YOU do the evening before or shortly before the appreciated lady is due?
Absolutely nothing different. Most times I have forgotten that it’s Tuesday and it’s Penny’s excitement that reminds me, She’s much better at remembering the days of the week. Though I wish she’d remind me to put the bins out on a Thursday night.
Invent a ritual for Thursday nights – she’ll soon remind you