Points to Ponder
I read a little piece the other day over at The Foggy Mirror.
I was going to copy it and paste it here, but Mac has already gone to all that trouble so I’ll leave it where it is.
So go on over there and read it NOW.
I can wait.
Right. You have read it? Good. Now all I ask is that you list the inaccuracies, because I can’t find any. Surely there must be some?
And while I’m on the subject, I noticed a telling little piece last night.
They harp on about the efficacy of the vaccines and how they are the Saviour of Mankind. They implore us all to get punctured as only then will we all be safe. Little mention [i.e. dead silence] is made of the number of hospital cases involving people who have already received the Elixir of Life.
But then last night our Chief Medical Officer [blessed be his name] made his little daily sermon, once more spreading doom and gloom and how we all have to wear masks and “act responsibly” because the Worst Is Yet To Come. He did however mention one interesting snippet –
Now correct me if I am wrong, but if 70% are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, then surely we can deduce from a complex bit of mathematics and a heavy dose of logic that 30% of new cases are fully vaccinated?
Just sayin’
Inaccuracies? How about “Never had to have a double shot”?
It’s a few years since I travelled the world, but before I did I had 2 shots of hepetitis A and 3 shots each of hepetitis B, rabies and Japanese encephalitis.
The rest seems pretty spot on, though.
Appreciate the link. As for who’s in dock with co-co, I link to this later.
As the writer says;
“The media can read just as well as me (maybe), but somehow it is left to me to report this.”
In just the past week I know of 10 fully vaccinated people who have COVID. Both pzfir and astra Zenaca, so doesnât seem to make any difference. None as yet as seriously ill so better than nothing I expect.
Did he mention that the vaccine doesn’t work for me unless you have the vaccine as well?
Well, I guess a new type of vaccine will work in a different way. (Do I need to point out that was sarcasm?)
Grandad, you are correct.
I have tried to prove this wrong but even after a number of tries it seems that 100-70=30.
(1) Now who would have thought that after all these years, this would still hold up?
(2) Does anyone proofread anything anymore?
“* Persons were considered fully vaccinated â¥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine; partially vaccinated â¥14 days after receipt of the first dose and <14 days after the second dose in a 2-dose series; and unvaccinated <14 days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available"
Page 1172, Footnote under table on that page – https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/mm7034e5-H.pdf
You get sick or die within 14 days after vaccination? You don't count as vaccinated.
Hint: Not only the CDC handles it like this.
On the other hand: Everyone who fell from a roof or got under a bus and was then in hospital tested with the "gold standard" PCR-test (preferably with a ct [cycle threshold] in the area of "ludricous", say around 45 ct) and then died within 28 days after the PCR-test, has by definition, died "from or with" Covid.
This, also, is not exclusive to any single country.
Follow the science, eh?
…”act responsiblyâ because the Worst Is Yet To Come…
And how many times has that been said already? I’m beginning to wonder if “the worst” is ever coming. Probably when Hell freezes over or something like that.
Once people have power and influence, they are very loath to relinquish it.
Avoid the death jab: it’ll be 2 – 3 years before the delayed effects are fully obvious