I started this here site back in 2006.
At the time I was a mere child of 56. I was still semi-employed by RTE but was free to do my own thing, so I had set up my own little web design business, and did a bit of teaching on the side.
All that stopped eventually as the teaching was tiring [had to get up at half five in the morning!] and the business had become too successful for my own good. I quit the lot and retired gracefully.
At 56, the thought of being sixty was sort of daunting. I just had that feeling that it was the point where I would really class myself as “old”. But it passed painlessly and I didn’t feel old after all. I began to think of seventy as being old instead. After all is said and done, mentally I was still somewhere between eighteen and thirty [some would say younger from my style of scribbling] and actual numerical age didn’t mean anything.
So today is yet another milestone. I would love to say I don’t feel any different but aching limbs and a recent heart attack belie my mental age. Reality is beginning to creep in like a cold draught at the back of my neck.
Fuck it.
70 is only a number.
Indeed it is just a number. Happy 70th Grandad; enjoy these, the "golden years"!
Happy birthday, young codger
Merci beaucoup!
Happy Birthday, Grandad! And many more!
Congratulations. Bet you never thought about life after 70.
Get an absorbing hobby, sensible life choices, and keep fit. All the advice I have resolutely ignored for many years. Still here and about to move house. No pressure then, see you in another ten years. Love to Penny, Cat and her indoors.
P.S. Make sure you blow all the candles out on the cake – we don't want you to go out in a blaze of glory.
All the best people were born on 19th February.
Happy birthday to both of us.

Including Prince Andrew?
All the best people and a few others.
I mean, no right thinking person would go to Pizza Hut?
‘Happy birthday’!
Amazing difference between one’s ‘emotional age’, ‘physical age’, and ‘intellectual age’.
16, 70 and 40 respectively.
Happiest of all days to you!
Wish you many happy days!
Just think, If you had been born only 10 days later, you would be a mere youngster of only 171/2 yrs (have just realized my mistake!) and not yet able to buy yourself a drink to celebrate
Wishing you many more,
Many happies, mine is in a few days too.
A mere 11 months behind you, I recognise the looming number-phobia but also that some of my best pals never got this far, so it beats the alternative.
Enjoy your day and then all the rest of them.
3 score years and ten! You got there, well done.
Thanks everybody! Having firmly squashed the idea of a "surprise party" I had a great, if somewhat noisy day [the Grandkids made most of the noise]. Herself stayed sober too.
Congratulations on reaching your 7th decade! Hard to believe you were 56 when you started the blog. I could say that it feels like yesterday but that's only my mind slipping in and out of gear now and then.
Being only (almost) 61 (next month) you could call me a young'un and you'd be right however…my body keeps telling me it's going on 80 so I have to be careful.
All I know is that I have a young man somewhere inside of me looking out and wondering what the hell happened. Glad you survived your party.
Many Happy Returns Grandad!!! and many more to come!!